在一段感情中 或是友情中 過了一陣子
也許是打從一開始就無心 也許是到最後關係變質
我以為你會在... 更懂我一點
到頭來只換得 兩人之間的寂靜
[Verse 1]
Put it in the back of my mind /想把一切拋至腦後
I don't usually say this but you know, I might /苦往心裡塞 你心知肚明
Maybe I was wasting my time /也許吧 一切都在浪費時間
Holding shit together so you know I try /勉強振作 讓你知道 我還在努力著
Moving so slow no I thought I'd feel better /慢慢的放下 以為這樣比較好釋懷
Only been a month but it's taking forever /一個月過去 好如度日如年
I don't really know if I thought I'd feel better /不知道這是不是自己想要的了
You don't really know me so you wouldn't mind /但你從不真正懂我 也不在乎了
[Chorus] x2
You thought you knew me like that but you (don't) /你以為我就是那個樣 你從不知
Middle of the summer here I am, I'm still (cold) /炎炎夏日之中 心寒更為鮮明
I don't think you know me like you thought you did back then /你的自以為 遮蔽了視野
Back then, you knew me but right now you just don't /也許曾經你知我心 如今你卻了了無心
[Verse 2]
People change and it's got me feeling stressed out /人總會變 無常使我心煩意亂
Kind of strange that there's nothing we can talk about /我們之間的寂靜 搭不上任何話題
Try to say maybe reasons that were left out /在盡頭尋找蛛絲馬跡
You don't really notice like I thought you did /你沒我想的細心 去注意到變質的原因
[Chorus] x2
You thought you knew me like that but you (don't) /你以為我就是那個樣 你從不知
Middle of the summer here I am, I'm still (cold) /炎炎夏日之中 心寒更為鮮明
I don't think you know me like you thought you did back then /你的自以為 遮蔽了視野
Back then, you knew me but right now you just don't /也許曾經你知我心 如今你卻了了無心
My lover, I'm so sad /我的愛呀 我心好痛
How am I gonna do? /我到底該怎麼辦?
You know when you feel silence? /你能感受到那份寂靜?
I just feel silence now /我們之間只剩冷漠無語
So sad… /好悲涼...
You don't know me like I wish you would /上個夏季 我所期盼的
or you did last summer /到頭來你根本不了解我
Truth is I'm alone /事實就是 我是孤伶伶的
I'm not happy it's not hard to remember /這淒冷之景 非難以忘懷
Put it in the back of my mind /想把一切拋至腦後
You don't miss me much /你心不在 也不怎麼想我了
We been out of touch lately /我們隨之的失聯
Maybe I'm just wasting my time /也許吧 一切都在浪費時間
Guess I'm not enough /也許吧 我還不夠好
In another life, maybe /也許吧 來世再相遇
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編輯日 2019/4/4