號稱今年最值得入手的專輯之一 不過他的曲風都是
比較偏向黑暗與人性邪惡的一面 也許是反映他自己的生活
這一首位於專輯的最後之位 同時也是專輯內最長的一首
一段結束感情的歌祝福著自己的愛人 能找到新的更好的情人
呆鵝的 Send My Love (To Your New Lover)|誠摯祝福 一下子歡樂太多(x 超反差(o
[Verse 1]
Angel, oh oh oh oh /美艷天使
Knew you were special from the moment I saw you /打從第一眼 就知道你不凡
I saw you, yeah /一見鍾情
I said angel, oh oh oh oh /美麗如仙呀
I feel you're closer every time I call you, I call you /每當我呼喚著 你就離我越來越近
Cause all I see are wings, I can see your wings /因為我可見 你背上的雙翼
But I know what I am and the life I live, yeah, the life I live /但我糟糕的生活 並不適合你
And even though I sin, maybe we are born to live /即使活在罪孽中 也許是命中注定
But I know time will tell if we're meant for this /時間會考驗 我們是否適合彼此
Yeah, if we're meant for this /是否天作之合
And if we're not /就算不適
I hope you find somebody /但願你能 找到摯愛(x3)
I hope you find somebody to love /找到適合你的人
Somebody to love /那一生的最愛 (x2)
[Verse 2]
Said angel, woah oh oh oh /美艷天使呀
You'll probably never take me back and I know this /你可能永遠 不會回來了
Yeah I know this, aw man /這我很清楚
I said angel, woah oh oh oh /天使離我而去
I'm so desensitized to feeling these emotions /你走後我 感情麻木
Yeah, no emotions baby /無法感受 任何情緒
Cause all I see are wings, I can see your wings /因為我可見 你背上的雙翼
But I know what I am and the life I live, yeah, the life I live /但我糟糕的生活 並不適合你
And even though I sin, maybe we are born to live /即使活在罪孽中 也許是命中注定
But I know time will tell if we're meant for this /時間會考驗 我們是否適合彼此
Yeah, if we're meant for this /是否天作之合
And if we're not /就算不適
I hope you find somebody /但願你能 找到摯愛(x3)
I hope you find somebody to love /找到適合你的人
Somebody to love /那一生的最愛 (x2)
[Bridge] x2
And even though we live inside /我們活在這 黑暗的世界
A dangerously empty life /心靈空虛 無意人生
You always seem to bring the light /你總會成為我的光芒 (x2)
[Chorus 2: The Weeknd and Maty Noyes] x3
I hope you find somebody /但願你能 找到摯愛(x3)
I hope you find somebody to love /找到適合你的人
Somebody to love /那一生的最愛 (x2)
[Outro: The Weeknd and Maty Noyes]
Ooh somebody baby /早日找到歸屬
I hope you find somebody /但願你能 找到摯愛(x4)
I hope you find somebody baby /親愛的 祝福你
I hope you find somebody to love /找到適合你的人
Somebody to love /那一生的最愛 (x3)
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編輯日 2015/12/7
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