

老實說Fall Out Boy 真的不是我會聽的那種型

不過藉由這次Big Hero Six 6 大英雄天團 的電影主題曲 Immortals 

才去翻了一下他們,後來發現有跟我喜歡的Foxes合作 而且歌曲我也喜歡就翻譯了


本文引用自bernice0806 - [中英文歌詞] Fall Out Boy打倒男孩-Just One Yesterday僅僅一個昨日

此篇 基於 Bernice's Daily★★★ 的翻譯 再譯 

希望大家不要吝嗇的過去給點關注跟點閱吧 : )


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[Verse 1: Patrick Stump]
I thought of angels /我幻想著天使
Choking on their halos /被祂們的光環勒死
Get them drunk on rose water /被神聖的 玫瑰露水灌醉
See how dirty I can get them /看看祂們能多麽墮落
Pulling out their fragile teeth /拔下祂們脆弱的牙齒
And clip their tiny wings /剪斷祂們小小的翅膀
[Bridge: Patrick Stump & Foxes] x2
Anything you say can /你所出的每一言 
and will be held against you /都可能反將你一軍
So only say my name /儘管呼喚我
It will be held against you /一言既出 話語把柄
[Chorus: Patrick Stump & Foxes]
If heaven’s grief brings hell’s reign /倘若天堂的悲傷 會為地獄帶來甘霖
Then I’d trade all my tomorrows for /我願用我所有的未來
Just one yesterday /交換 難能可貴的昨日
(I know I’m bad news) /我知我是噩耗
For just one yesterday /難能可貴的昨日
(I saved it all for you) /我為了你保留了一切
I want to teach you a lesson /我想給你上堂教訓
In the worst kind of way /用最糟最狠的方式
Still I’d trade all my tomorrows for /我依舊會 用未來換取
Just one yesterday /那難能可貴的昨日
(I know I’m bad news) /我知我是噩耗
For just one yesterday /難能可貴的昨日
(I saved it all for you) /我為了你保留了一切
For just one yesterday /為那 難能可貴的昨日
[Verse 2: Patrick Stump & Foxes]
Letting people down is my thing baby /辜負期望 為我專長
Find yourself a new gig /是時為己 轉換跑道
This town ain’t big enough for two of us /這城太小 容不下我倆
I don’t have the right name /我毫無名聲
Or the right looks /也不英俊瀟灑
But I have twice the heart /但我心誠意足
[Bridge: Patrick Stump & Foxes] x2
Anything you say can /你所出的每一言 
and will be held against you /都可能反將你一軍
So only say my name /儘管呼喚我
It will be held against you /一言既出 話語把柄
[Chorus: Patrick Stump & Foxes]
If heaven’s grief brings hell’s reign /倘若天堂的悲傷 會為地獄帶來甘霖
Then I’d trade all my tomorrows for /我願用我所有的未來
Just one yesterday /交換 難能可貴的昨日
(I know I’m bad news) /我知我是噩耗
For just one yesterday /難能可貴的昨日
(I saved it all for you) /我為了你保留了一切
I want to teach you a lesson /我想給你上堂教訓
In the worst kind of way /用最糟最狠的方式
Still I’d trade all my tomorrows for /我依舊會 用未來換取
Just one yesterday /那難能可貴的昨日
(I know I’m bad news) /我知我是噩耗
For just one yesterday /難能可貴的昨日
(I saved it all for you) /我為了你保留了一切
For just one yesterday /為那 難能可貴的昨日
[Piano Bridge: Foxes]
If I spilled my guts /如果我永鼓起勇氣
The world would never look at you the same way /世界絕對會用 不同眼光看你
And now I’m here to give you all of my love /而我在此 獻上我的真心
So I can watch your face as I take it all away /所以當我看著你 死而無遺憾了
[Chorus: Patrick Stump & Foxes]
If heaven’s grief brings hell’s reign /倘若天堂的悲傷 會為地獄帶來甘霖
Then I’d trade all my tomorrows for /我願用我所有的未來
Just one yesterday /交換 難能可貴的昨日
(I know I’m bad news) /我知我是噩耗
For just one yesterday /難能可貴的昨日
(I saved it all for you) /我為了你保留了一切
I want to teach you a lesson /我想給你上堂教訓
In the worst kind of way /用最糟最狠的方式
Still I’d trade all my tomorrows for /我依舊會 用未來換取
Just one yesterday /那難能可貴的昨日
(I know I’m bad news) /我知我是噩耗
For just one yesterday /難能可貴的昨日
(I saved it all for you) /我為了你保留了一切
For just one yesterday /為那 難能可貴的昨日

【Big Hero Six 大英雄天團 的電影主題曲 Immortals 】


編輯日 2015/2/16

恕有疏失或版權問題請告知 謝謝: )


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