

終於回到台灣了 但回家後貌似經歷坎坷(?!)

電腦也才這幾天才裝 網路也是連手機了 ((好了這不是重點


才女 Foxes 台譯:芙席絲 真的是好優美 之前都叫他小狐狸

之前認識他後 跟朋友介紹 他們就硬要接一段 What does the fox say?

其實他算是新人 但是爆紅的速度真的不容去 之前和傑德(Zedd)的明晰 貌似有很大的互助 還得到格萊美((歡


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Let Go for Tonight  



They didn't warn me /沒有任何的警告
When I was running wild /當我正玩的 離淋盡致
The dragons breathing fire /夜晚的後園
In the backyard at night /龍在吐息 我們焰火至狂
We live in circles /生活 日漸反覆
And it's so hard to breathe /被壓的 難以喘息
Maybe the same old fears /畏懼 依如從前 毫無改變
What have we here /到底怎麼了
Don't bring me down /而你
With you /不要將我 擊倒
Now I'm just chasing time /而我現在 追趕著時間
With a thousand dreams I'm holding heavy /千萬夢想 把握珍惜
And as we cross the line these fading beats have all been severed /我們跨越那 褪色音符 斷絕牽連
Don't tell me our youth is running out /別跟我說我們 青春年華 將消至殆盡
It's only just begun /這一切才剛開始而已
If I asked you for good news /如果我問你 有沒好消息
Would you smile and turn away /你會帶的微笑離去
It's like a bad dream /這宛如惡夢
That is too afraid to wake /但是深怕醒來後 是現實
There are many among us /我們之間 有太多的變數
And we're changing all the time /無時無刻 都在改變
Maybe the same old fears /會恐懼的 事物依舊
What have we here /我們到底怎麼了
Don't bring me down /而你
With you /不要想將我 擊倒
Now I'm just chasing time /而我現在 追趕著時間
With a thousand dreams I'm holding heavy /千尋夢想 我緊緊握著
And as we cross the line these fading beats have all been severed /跨越那 腐陳節奏 斷絕牽連
Don't tell me our youth is running out /別告訴我 我們的 輕狂年華 快消至殆盡
It's only just begun /這才剛開始而已
These fading beats… /那陳腐節奏
These fading beats… /那褪色音符
A thousand dreams… /千爭萬尋 的夢想
Now I'm just chasing time /現在的我 緊追光陰
With a thousand dreams I'm holding heavy /千萬夢想 把握珍惜
And as we cross the line these fading beats have all been severed /跨越那 腐陳節奏 斷絕牽連
Don't tell me our youth is running out /別告訴我 我們的 輕狂年華 快消至殆盡
It's only just begun /這才剛開始而已
These fading beats… /那陳腐節奏
A thousand dreams… /千爭萬尋 的夢想
These fading beats…/那褪色音符
A thousand dreams… /千萬個夢想 
It's only just begun /這一切 才剛開始而已


編輯日 2014/3/6

恕有疏失或版權問題請告知 謝謝: )


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