

人善心善 面目、才華洋溢 



不該嘗試的東西 一旦觸碰到了禁忌 

就算是天使 也會變得無法飛翔


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White lips, pale face /乾澀嘴唇 臉色蒼白
Breathing in snowflakes /吸著 似雪白粉
Burnt lungs, sour taste /灼燒的肺腔 腐蝕的氣息
Light's gone, day's end /一夜去 白日短
Struggling to pay rent /為了繳款 努力掙錢
Long nights, strange men /孤單夜長 枕邊路人
And they say /而流言訴說
She's in the Class A Team /她曾是 最好的女孩
Stuck in her daydream /但是她從 十八歲起 
Been this way since eighteen /天天做著 白日夢
But lately her face seems /而近日 她的臉龐 看起來
Slowly sinking, wasting /慢慢的變的 消沈黯淡
Crumbling like pastries /如薄皮 不堪一擊
And they scream /他們大叫著
The worst things in life come free to us /世上最糟的事 發生在我們身上了
Cause we're just under the upper hand /只因 我們 是社會的最底層
And go mad for a couple grams /而因幾顆藥丸 身陷其中
And she don't want to go outside tonight /這女孩 今晚不想再出門了
And in a pipe she flies to the Motherland /在藥效下 她依稀有如回到家鄉
Or sells love to another man /又或是 對著陌生人 出賣愛情
It's too cold outside /外面的世界 太寒冷了
For angels to fly /對一位天使來講 無法上天
Angels to fly /難以張翅飛翔
Ripped gloves, raincoat /破舊手套 穿著雨衣
Tried to swim and stay afloat /嘗試掙游 咬緊牙關
Dry house, wet clothes /無定居遊 溼冷衣物
Loose change, bank notes /零零數數 鈔票錢幣
Weary-eyed, dry throat /疲累雙眼 口乾舌燥
Call girl, no phone /應召女郎 卻沒手機
And they say /而流言訴說
She's in the Class A Team /她曾是 最好的女孩
Stuck in her daydream /但是她從 十八歲起 
Been this way since eighteen /天天做著 白日夢
But lately her face seems /而近日 她的臉龐 看起來
Slowly sinking, wasting /慢慢的變的 消沈黯淡
Crumbling like pastries /如薄皮 不堪一擊
And they scream /他們大叫著
The worst things in life come free to us /世上最糟的事 發生在我們身上了
Cause we're just under the upper hand /只因 我們 是社會的最底層
And go mad for a couple grams /而因幾顆藥丸 身陷其中
And she don't want to go outside tonight /這女孩 今晚不想再出門了
And in a pipe she flies to the Motherland /在藥效下 她依稀有如回到家鄉
Or sells love to another man /又或是 對著陌生人 出賣愛情
It's too cold outside /外面的世界 太寒冷了
For angels to fly /對一位天使來講 無法上天
An angel will die /天使將盡亡
Covered in white /被白雪覆蓋
Closed eye /闔上眼
And hoping for a better life /期許下生更好
This time, we'll fade out tonight /此生 我們將逐漸消逝
Straight down the line /直降天國
And they say /而流言訴說
She's in the Class A Team /她曾是 最好的女孩
Stuck in her daydream /但是她從 十八歲起 
Been this way since eighteen /天天做著 白日夢
But lately her face seems /而近日 她的臉龐 看起來
Slowly sinking, wasting /慢慢的變的 消沈黯淡
Crumbling like pastries /如薄皮 不堪一擊
And they scream /他們大叫著
The worst things in life come free to us /世上最糟的事 發生在我們身上了
Cause we're just under the upper hand /只因 我們 是社會的最底層
And go mad for a couple grams /而因幾顆藥丸 身陷其中
And we don't want to go outside tonight /我們 今晚都不想出門了
And in a pipe she flies to the Motherland /在藥效下 她依稀有如回到家鄉
Or sells love to another man /又或是 對著陌生人 出賣愛情
It's too cold outside /外面的世界 太寒冷了
For angels to fly /對一位天使來講 無法上天
Angels to fly /讓天使展翅
To fly, fly /飛翔升天
For angels to fly, to fly, to fly /無法讓天使 自由飛翔
Or angels to die /到頭 天使即將死去
Dry house, wet clothes 也可翻作 (乾宅/濕衣)
此dry(乾) 意指家內無一物 再用wet(濕) 去對比 到處兜遊 被雨濺淋  
The A Team 隱喻 A drugs (A級毒品)
Snowflakes 是指毒品 用雪花優美的代表 


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