聽說這首是在台灣的主打曲 節奏也很強
可是當我翻完的時候 心中只有一個感想... ((這根本A片...
原因為甚麼 等等看歌詞自己領悟吧((笑
台壓版的翻作:滴答快爆炸 要馬他翻得很斯文、要馬就是隨便亂翻...
當然我也很忠實原作 用了幾個滴答囉~ <3
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You got sex siren in your face /你有著 性欲誘惑般 的臉龐
Let me get up on it , let me get up on it /我想獨占它 我想嚐嚐看
Talk dirty to me babe, every time I want it /每當性致來時 對我咬耳朵
Every time I want it , every time I want it /每當我想要時 每次性致來時
Hush, please no more games /閉嘴 拜託別再耍花招了
No more of the same thing /別再做 同樣的事了
Been thinking maybe could he /想著 也許他能
Make me scream his name /讓我叫上 他的名字
And give me the right aim /並給我 瞄準好目標
Better make me tik tik tik tik tik tik boom /好讓我 漸漸嗨到最高點
Tik tik tik tik tik tik /嘀 嗒 噼 啪 嘀 嗒
Better make me tik tik tik tik tik tik boom /好讓我 漸漸慢慢得到 快感
Not too slow and not too quick /不疾不徐
Baby make me tik tik boom /寶貝 讓我 性慾漸升
Tik tik tik tik tik tik boom /嘀 嗒 嘀 嗒 快爆炸
Better make me tik tik tik tik tik tik boom /好讓我 漸漸得到快感
Not too slow and not too quick /不疾不徐
Baby make me tik tik boom /寶貝 讓我 性慾漸升
Watch your mouth, lock it up /看著你吹噓的嘴臉 閉上嘴吧
Why you wanna flaunt it /為什麼你想 誇耀著它
Why you wanna flaunt it, why you wanna flaunt it /為何要如此 炫耀 張揚
The earth turns, switch it up let me get up on it /地球不停息 轉呀轉 讓我試試看吧
Let me get up on it , let me get up on it /我想試試看 讓我嚐嚐吧
Hush, please no more games /閉嘴 拜託別再耍花招了
No more of the same thing /別再做 同樣的事了
Been thinking maybe could he /想著 也許他能
Make me scream his name /讓我叫上 他的名字
And give me the right aim /並給我 瞄準好目標
Better make me tik tik tik tik tik tik boom /好讓我 漸漸嗨到最高點
Tik tik tik tik tik tik /嘀 嗒 噼 啪 嘀 嗒
Better make me tik tik tik tik tik tik boom /好讓我 漸漸慢慢得到 快感
Not too slow and not too quick /不疾不徐
Baby make me tik tik boom /寶貝 讓我 性慾漸升
Tik tik tik tik tik tik boom /嘀 嗒 嘀 嗒 快爆炸
Better make me tik tik tik tik tik tik boom /好讓我 漸漸得到快感
Not too slow and not too quick /不疾不徐
Baby make me tik tik boom /寶貝 讓我 性慾漸升
Turn it /面對它
Come here for a minute, let me taste you baby /來吧 讓我品嘗你的身體
Light your fuel detonate you baby /點燃熱情 擦出火花
Got my brain have you going insane /想要得到我 會讓你神魂顛倒
My dynamite stick known to drive shit crazy baby /我的炮竹知道如何瘋狂奔放
I want you laying up in the bed with your feet up /我要你 腳翹高的躺在床上
Right there in my wife beater /我是個女孩獵手
She like the way I eat her, beat her, beat her /他就是喜歡我這樣 品嘗 拍打 琢磨他
Treat her like an animal somebody call PETA /待她有如野獸 來人快打護獸局
Put a little bit of this inside a margarita /在瑪格麗塔酒裡 加點騷味
Then put your thing have you running like a meter /風韻細柔 與你有韻律的做著
On a cab in the city where the girls are pretty /坐在計程車上的 都是美女
Find me in the club where the girls get busy /在酒店裡 能看到我跟女孩正忙著呢
With a flask on a fat booty, nice shaped titties /與贏來的豐滿酒瓶 巨乳美人
My wrist so froze you could ice skate with it /我的手腕如此結實 都可以拿它來滑雪了
Give it to you til you curl your toes /伸入進去 直到你爽到 腳趾彎曲
Get your ass out your clothes, sit back for the whole explosion /將你的褲子脫下秀屁屁 坐好了 我要爆發了
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