不是我要說 Shawn這次新專的風格有點太一致 連節奏也很相像 但每首都有自己的特色
一開始還以為這首跟Bad Reputation 是雙胞胎呢 是說前一專好像也有跟這首情景相似的歌
是說他有去日本了呢!! 到底什麼時候才會來台灣((就在下面一點點而已嗎!!!!! (是說我人也不在台灣x
有時候喜歡一個人就是這樣 即使知道行不通 卻又無法抗拒對那個人的愛戀與招邀
而在明瞭自己不會與那個人有任何的下一步 卻又一次又一次的將自己陷得更深 直到無法自拔
事實就是如此 無法招架 無法抗拒 就只能投降 舉白旗 繼續暗戀著
[Verse 1]
You say it's not supposed to be /你說我們不適合
Tell me not to waste my time /勸我別再浪費時間了
This was never up to me /但為誰心動 卻非我作主
But if it was I wouldn't mind /就算真的可以 我也會選擇你
And I'm trying to ignore you /想要將你給忘卻
I try to go on with my day, hey /繼續我的生活
But I still pick up the phone, yeah /但還是不經 你的來電
And get lost in what you say /沈浸在你的話語裡
[Chorus 1]
I can try to stop it, all I like /即便我多麼想抗拒
Hands down I've lost this fight /但我還是輸了這場戰
Thought I was strong, enough for you /我以為我夠堅強 承受得起你的愛
But I just can't hide the truth /但事實擺眼前
So I guess I'm going down /我想我就這麼沈淪吧
I guess I'm going down, like this /如此這般的 沈入迷戀你
[Verse 2]
And I love it how she's honest /他的誠真直白
You don't find that nowadays /現今那麼老實的人不多了
She's not even drop dead gorgeous /他並非那種 要命美人
But she kills me anyway, oh /但也依舊 將我秒殺
[Chorus 2]
I can try to stop it, all I like /努力的想 止住這愛意
Hands down I've lost this fight /但我只能投降 任由心去
Thought I was strong, enough for you /以為我能 抵抗你的魅力
But I just can't hide the truth /但現實是如此
I guess I'm going down /我想我只能這樣
I guess I'm going down /沈淪於對你的憧憬
I guess I'm going down like this /如此這般的 被你征服
[Chorus 1]
I can try to stop it, all I like /即便我多麼想抗拒
Hands down I've lost this fight /但我還是輸了這場戰
Thought I was strong, enough for you /我以為我夠堅強 承受得起你的愛
But I just can't hide the truth /但事實擺眼前
I can try to stop it, all I like /努力的想 止住這愛意
Hands down I've lost this fight /但我只能投降 任由心去
Thought I was strong, enough for you /以為我能 抵抗你的魅力
But I just can't hide the truth /但現實是如此
I guess I'm going down /我想我也只能這樣
I guess I'm going down like this /如此這般的 沈淪於你
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bgt566@outlook.com 謝謝: )