

大家好久不見 (真的有點久) 最近度假去了 一回來就是一個趕作業的節奏

在馬爾地夫的時候 網路一直不是很好 然後一下飛機就是在做作業 所以很晚才聽到Ed的新歌

一開始聽到是打雙單的時候 就有一種"他這次是來真的"的感覺 (不過聽說好像還是會以Castle On The Hill為主)

我個人也比較偏愛COTH 不過兩首歌實在無法比較 因為各有各的特色 與非常洗腦的成分 (這就是Ed呀)

不過說實在的 一開始聽到這兩首的時候 我都沒有很喜歡 甚至有種What the fuck的感覺 尤其是這首SOY 實在不是他的調調

而讓我真正愛上這兩首歌的 卻不是官方音頻 而是BBC 與Capital的現場演唱 (真的是因為live 才讓我再回頭聽官方音頻)

漸漸的 旋律就卡在腦裡 不聽都有種不舒服的感覺 (享用Ed前 請閱公開說明書) 💖 能超越Ed的 只有Ed現場版呀





【Capital FM Live】





[Verse 1]

The club isn't the best place to find a lover /吵雜夜店 難尋真情

So the bar is where I go /偏愛酒吧的 慢條斯理

Me and my friends at the table doing shots /三五好友 烈酒一杯杯

Drinking fast and then we talk slow /爛醉胡語 神智不清

Come over and start up a conversation with just me /你不請自來 鎖定了我

And trust me I'll give it a chance now /我想著就 放手一博

Take my hand, stop, put Van the Man on the jukebox /搭上我的手 點播我的最愛

And then we start to dance /我倆開始 翩翩起舞

And now I'm singing like /腦中譜著曲



Girl, you know I want your love /女孩你可知 我渴望愛情

Your love was handmade for somebody like me /你的愛是為我訂製的

Come on now, follow my lead /來吧 讓我領著你

I may be crazy /我可能有點瘋癲 

Don't mind me /但請隨我一起縱情

Say, boy, let's not talk too much /你叫我 廢話少說

Grab on my waist and put that body on me /摟著我的腰 將我拉近

Come on now, follow my lead /來吧 跟著我的調調

Come, come on now, follow my lead /專心讓我領舞



I'm in love with the shape of you /我愛上了 你美豔絕倫的姿態

We push and pull like a magnet do /我們像磁鐵般 相斥相吸的舞動

Although my heart is falling too /我的心也為你沈淪

I'm in love with your body /愛上你的 美豔姿態

And last night you were in my room /昨晚與你 一起同歡

And now my bedsheets smell like you /床單還沾有 你的芬芳

Every day discovering something brand new /每一天 都因你變得新鮮

I'm in love with your body /我沉醉予 你的姿艷


I'm in love with your body /愛得無法自拔


I'm in love with your body /你那迷人的身影


I'm in love with your body /勾魂攝魄 讓我心曠神怡

Every day discovering something brand new /每日因你而新奇

I'm in love with the shape of you /愛上你 美豔絕倫的姿態


[Verse 2]

One week in we let the story begin /很快的 故事拉開序幕

We're going out on our first date /認識一週 就開始約會

You and me are thrifty, so go all you can eat /你我都勤儉 專攻吃到飽

Fill up your bag and I fill up a plate /多吃多賺 打包帶滿

We talk for hours and hours /聊了許多 過往經歷

About the sweet and the sour /酸甜苦辣 一起分享

And how your family is doing okay /甚至家中的近況

Leave and get in a taxi, then kiss in the backseat /跳上出租車 在後座熱吻

Tell the driver make the radio play /讓司機開著音樂

And I'm singing like /心中譜下



Girl, you know I want your love /女孩你可知 我渴望愛情

Your love was handmade for somebody like me /你的愛是為我訂製的

Come on now, follow my lead /來吧 讓我領著你

I may be crazy /我可能有點瘋癲 

Don't mind me /但請隨我一起縱情

Say, boy, let's not talk too much /你叫我 廢話少說

Grab on my waist and put that body on me /摟著我的腰 將我拉近

Come on now, follow my lead /來吧 跟著我的調調

Come, come on now, follow my lead /專心讓我領舞



I'm in love with the shape of you /我愛上了 你美豔絕倫的姿態

We push and pull like a magnet do /我們像磁鐵般 相斥相吸的舞動

Although my heart is falling too /我的心也為你沈淪

I'm in love with your body /愛上你的 美豔姿態

And last night you were in my room /昨晚與你 一起同歡

And now my bedsheets smell like you /床單還沾有 你的芬芳

Every day discovering something brand new /每一天 都因你變得新鮮

I'm in love with your body /我沉醉予 你的姿艷


I'm in love with your body /愛得無法自拔


I'm in love with your body /你那迷人的身影


I'm in love with your body /勾魂攝魄 讓我心曠神怡

Every day discovering something brand new /每日因你而新奇

I'm in love with the shape of you /愛上你 美豔絕倫的姿態


[Bridge] x2

Come on, be my baby, come on /接受我的愛 不要害臊 

Come on, be my baby, come on /讓我打破你的心防

Come on, be my baby, come on /來吧 我為你敞開大門

Come on, be my baby, come on /我想要 好好的愛你



I'm in love with the shape of you /我愛上了 你美豔絕倫的姿態

We push and pull like a magnet do /我們像磁鐵般 相斥相吸的舞動

Although my heart is falling too /我的心也為你沈淪

I'm in love with your body /愛上你的 美豔姿態

And last night you were in my room /昨晚與你 一起同歡

And now my bedsheets smell like you /床單還沾有 你的芬芳

Every day discovering something brand new /每一天 都因你變得新鮮

I'm in love with your body /我沉醉予 你的姿艷

Come on, be my baby, come on/接受我的愛吧 x2

I'm in love with your body /我已經無法自拔了

Come on, be my baby, come on/我的心 為你而開 x2

I'm in love with your body /你那迷人的身影

Come on, be my baby, come on/不要再舉棋不定 

Come on, be my baby, come on/不要再猶豫不決

I'm in love with your body /勾魂攝魄 讓我心曠神怡

Every day discovering something brand new /每日因你而新奇

I'm in love with the shape of you /愛上你 美豔絕倫的姿態




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編輯日 2017/1/18

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    創作者 修羅. 豆豆先生 的頭像
    修羅. 豆豆先生

    這就是HellDevil 修羅

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