早前就有一股衝動想把他的這整個專輯都翻了 不過由於網路上已經有狂粉先翻了 心中的火瞬間被澆熄了xD
不過這首歌我真的一定要翻 因為這首歌是我專輯內最喜歡的歌曲之一 而且意義也是最為鮮明的一首
Melanie 自己曾說過這首歌是專輯內最難寫的一首歌 意境很難表達外 也跟主流的觀念唱反調
這也讓我想起了Beyonce的Pretty Hurts 與Alessia Cara最新的單曲Scars To Your Beautiful (都是翻譯難度比較高的呢)
蛋頭小姐就是玩具總動員(Toys) 裡面的那個蛋頭先生的另一半
在此隱喻著整形手術 (蛋頭 的臉部器官都可以隨意跟換擺放)
這整首歌就是滿滿的反諷與警告 也跟自己的其他歌曲有互鳴 在Sippy Cup中的其中一句歌詞
“All the makeup in the world, won’t make you less insecure” /. 世上千千萬萬種美妝 不會讓你更有安全感

[Verse 1]
If you weren't born with it /如果你不是天生麗質
You can buy a couple ornaments /沒關係 花點錢就讓你水噹噹
Just be sure to read the warning, kids /孩子 別忘了那簽約條例
'Cause pretty soon you'll be bored of it, ha-ha /但反正你很快 也懶得讀下去
Sexual, hey girl, if you wanna feel sexual /嘿女孩 如果你想變得更性感
You can always call up a professional /你總是可以去找內行的
They stick pins in you like a vegetable, ha-ha /他們可以萬針 將你脫胎換骨
Kids forever, kids forever /當小孩最好了
Baby soft skin turns into leather /稚嫩的嬰兒肌 白皙輕透
Don't be dramatic, it's only some plastic /別誇張了 只是些矽膠而已
No one will love you if you're unattractive /如果不夠好看 就沒人愛你囉
Oh Mrs. Potato Head, tell me /噢蛋頭太太 告訴我呀
Is it true that pain is beauty? /這種痛 是美的代價嗎
Does a new face come with a warranty? /新的臉 有沒有保固期
Will a pretty face make it better? /漂亮是否 會讓人生更美好
Oh Mr. Potato Head, tell me /蛋頭太太 跟我說呀
How did you afford her surgery? /他怎麼付得起 這昂貴的手術
Do you swear you'll stay forever? /你跟我保證 會不離不棄
Even if her face don't stay together /即便臉糊了 像堆泥 x2
[Verse 2]
If you want a little more confidence /如果你想要 更有自信
Potatoes turn to french fries, yeah it's common sense /馬鈴薯跟炸薯條 你懂這人氣的差距
All you need's a couple more condiments /你需要的 只是一點佐料
And a hundred thousand dollars for some compliments, ha-ha /花上千金銀兩 換來幾聲贊語
It's such a waste /真是浪費呀
When little girls grow into their mother's face /小女孩有著媽媽的臉蛋
But little girls are learning how to cut and paste /但小女孩知道了 怎麼加加剪剪
And pucker up their lips until they suffocate, ha-ha /雙唇在厚一點 直到不能呼吸
Kids forever, kids forever /當小孩最好了
Baby soft skin turns into leather /稚嫩的嬰兒肌 白皙輕透
Don't be dramatic, it's only some plastic /別誇張了 只是些矽膠而已
No one will love you if you're unattractive /如果不夠好看 就沒人愛你囉
Oh Mrs. Potato Head, tell me /噢蛋頭太太 告訴我呀
Is it true that pain is beauty? /這種痛 是美的代價嗎
Does a new face come with a warranty? /新的臉 有沒有保固期
Will a pretty face make it better? /漂亮是否 會讓人生更美好
Oh Mr. Potato Head, tell me /蛋頭太太 跟我說呀
How did you afford her surgery? /他怎麼付得起 這昂貴的手術
Do you swear you'll stay forever? /你跟我保證 會不離不棄
Even if her face don't stay together /即便臉糊了 像堆泥 x2
[Short-Chorus] x2
Stay forever, stay forever /永永遠遠 在一起
Even if her face don't stay together /即便長的 分崩離析
Oh Mrs. Potato Head, tell me /噢蛋頭太太 告訴我呀
Is it true that pain is beauty? /這種痛 是美的代價嗎
Does a new face come with a warranty? /新的臉 有沒有保固期
Will a pretty face make it better? /漂亮是否 會讓人生更美好
Oh Mr. Potato Head, tell me /蛋頭太太 跟我說呀
How did you afford her surgery? /他怎麼付得起 這昂貴的手術
Do you swear you'll stay forever? /你跟我保證 會不離不棄
Even if her face don't stay together /即便臉糊了 像堆泥 x2
[Short-Chorus] x4
Stay forever, stay forever /永永遠遠 在一起
Even if her face don't stay together /即便長的 分崩離析
bgt566@outlook.com 謝謝: )