這首歌的視角其實說來還滿奇怪的 遠本以為的第一人稱 轉換為第三人稱 再由副歌時再次轉換
但這首歌的主旨只是想單純地寫出 洛杉磯給他的感覺 讓他無時無刻地想抽著煙喝著酒 (那些酷事)
更多的是一種虛榮的故事 在這些華麗的背後所隱藏的一個悲傷的小劇場 (不仿以歌詞中媽媽的角色帶入)
有著那麼有錢的老公 住著那麼豪華的房子 身上穿戴名牌 卻沒有家的感覺 沒有空陪小孩 還被狗仔侵害隱私
[Verse 1]
Sweet life living /生活多采多姿
Pools and swimming /泳池暢泳
Drinks in bars and /吧台點酒
Boys in cars and /男孩們開車前來
Rooftop sinning /摟頂歡唱
Skinny dipping /裸泳不害臊
Shooting stars with you /與你看流星
Fat cigars and /你抽著雪茄菸
And that weekend up in the islands /那些小島上的週末
They stop and stare /狗仔們 守株待兔
Flashes filling the silence /閃光起落 在緘默之間
Of a Hollywood love affair /為好萊屋 填愛情頭條
Waking up in the islands /在島上醒了過來
Cause I saw you there /看到遠處的你
Lost and trying to be /迷茫而不知
I was just trying to be cool /而我只是想 變得酷點
I was just trying to be like you /想像你一樣 融入人群
I'm a spark and you're a boom /但我們之間 天差地遠
What am I supposed to do /我到底該 怎麼做
[Verse 2]
Mansion debut /夢寐以求的豪宅
Love it, do you /愛不釋手 可不是嗎
Absent father /總是缺席的父親
Pays his daughter /小孩像是 給錢了事
And her mama withdrew /連媽媽也放棄了
From the life they once knew /找尋家的感覺
She had a heart /他有這片心意
But she sold it off for /卻無力實行
And that weekend up in the islands /那些小島上的週末
They stop and stare /狗仔們 守株待兔
Flashes filling the silence /閃光起落 在緘默之間
Of a Hollywood love affair /為好萊屋 填愛情頭條
Waking up in the islands /在島上醒了過來
Cause I saw you there /看到遠處的你
Lost and trying to be /迷茫而不知
I was just trying to be cool /而我只是想 變得有型
I was just trying to be like you /想像你一樣 融入人群
I'm a spark and you're a boom /但我們之間 天差地遠
What am I supposed to do /我到底該 怎麼做
[Verse 3]
When I've got that cigarette smoke /拿著香菸 吞吐白霧
And Saint Laurent coat, but nothing is feeling right /奢侈名牌服飾 卻怎麼樣也沒感覺
I drink but I choke /被酒精嗆到
I love but I don’t /想愛奢華 但卻排斥著
[Short Chorus]
I was just trying to be cool /只是想偽裝自己
I was just trying to be like you /想像你一樣融入
I was just trying to be cool /而我只是想 變得時髦
I was just trying to be like you /想像你一樣 融入人群
I'm a spark and you're a boom /但我們之間 天差地遠
What am I supposed to do /我到底該 怎麼做
[Verse 3]
When I've got that cigarette smoke /拿著香菸 吞吐白霧
And Saint Laurent coat, but nothing is feeling right /奢侈名牌服飾 卻怎麼樣也沒感覺
I drink but I choke /被酒精嗆到
I love but I don’t /想愛奢華 但卻排斥著
[Short Chorus]
I was just trying to be cool /只是想偽裝自己
I was just trying to be like you /想像你一樣融入
bgt566@outlook.com 謝謝: )