

好後悔沒有早一點認識他 沒錯他就是我最近非常迷戀的一位歌手

自從Troye Sivan跟Alessia Cara合作之後 影片下方跑出一堆流言說希望他也能跟這位女歌手合作

當初因為也有在電台聽到他的這首歌 所以對這個名子不陌生 再來也覺得這首歌蠻特殊的 很有風格

之後再去看了他很多的音樂錄影帶之後就上癮了 而他的歌曲古怪又有點孩子風 但是卻是非常的耐聽

二話不說馬上敗了他的新專輯'Cry Baby'



[Verse 1]
Did my invitations disappear? /難道邀請函 憑空消失嗎
Why'd I put my heart on every cursive letter? /早知當初還 費盡心準備
Tell me why the hell no one is here /誰能告訴我 怎麼都沒人出席
Tell me what to do to make it all feel better /告訴我怎麼做 讓心裡好受點

Maybe it's a cruel joke on me /也許這是個 殘酷的玩笑
Whatever, whatever /我不管了 不想理了
Just means there's way more cake for me /這只代表 我能獨享蛋糕
Forever, forever /只屬我一人 永永遠遠

[Chorus] x2
It's my party and I'll cry if I want to /憐惜派對 怎麼哭怎麼來
Cry if I want to (cry, cry, cry) /嚎啕大哭 一點也不在乎
I'll cry until the candles burn down this place /挫泣直到 蠟燭燃熄傷心地
I'll cry until my pity party's in flames /哭到這派對 饒燒殆盡

[Verse 2]
Maybe if I knew all of them well /如果我能看懂人心
I wouldn't have been trapped inside this hell that holds me /就不會淪落 至今這地獄裡
Maybe if I casted out a spell /也許下一點詛咒
But told them decorations were in pastel ribbons /讓他們知道 自己錯過了這 粉彩繽紛的裝飾

Maybe it's a cruel joke on me /也許這是個 殘酷的玩笑
Whatever, whatever /我不管了 不想理了
Just means there's way more cake for me /這只代表 我能獨享蛋糕
Forever, forever /只屬我一人 永永遠遠

[Chorus] x2
It's my party and I'll cry if I want to /憐惜派對 怎麼哭怎麼來
Cry if I want to (cry, cry, cry) /嚎啕大哭 一點也不在乎
I'll cry until the candles burn down this place /挫泣直到 蠟燭燃熄傷心地
I'll cry until my pity party's in flames /哭到這派對 饒燒殆盡

I'm laughing, I'm crying /我發瘋狂笑 我嚎啕奔淚
It feels like I'm dying /這感覺 生不如死

I'm dying, I'm dying /就快窒息 無法喘氣
It's my party and I'll cry if I want to /這是我的派對 想怎麼哭 就怎麼哭(x2)


[Chorus] x2
It's my party and I'll cry if I want to /憐惜派對 怎麼哭怎麼來
Cry if I want to (cry, cry, cry) /嚎啕大哭 一點也不在乎
I'll cry until the candles burn down this place /挫泣直到 蠟燭燃熄傷心地
I'll cry until my pity party's in flames /哭到這派對 饒燒殆盡

It's my party, it's-it's my party /這憐惜派對 悲慘結尾(x2)
It's my party and I'll cry if I want to /嚎啕大哭 一點也不在乎
Cry if I want to (cry, cry, cry, cry, cry) /想怎麼哭 就怎麼哭



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編輯日 2016/7/24

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    創作者 修羅. 豆豆先生 的頭像
    修羅. 豆豆先生

    這就是HellDevil 修羅

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