「青春是一張空白的紙,你可恣意地在紙上填寫任何你想要的圖案 上了歲數的人,要麼少了膽識,
要麼多了框架,人生就註定了 青春的你,看似一無所有,但沒有一項資產贏過年輕這回事。」
只有親身經歷過的體悟 最深刻
也許你還不知道 但是你的旺盛年華 卻是你現在最大的財產
時間無法倒退 也不可能有回春水 一切都是隨之過急
我們還年輕 會犯下許許多多的錯誤 但是沒有必要去害怕或逃避
這些都是人生路途中必經的過程罷了 最重要的事時時刻刻把握青春
有太多的事 是只有趁著自己還年輕氣盛時才能去衝的 在有體力去做
一路上就算矇矇懂懂 在人生的路途上不斷學習 並把握機會與當下
不樣枉費了青春 讓它消縱即逝
趁年輕為自己 留下無限美好的回憶
此篇 基於 酸蘋果女孩的西洋筆記 的翻譯 再譯
希望大家不要吝嗇的過去給點關注跟點閱吧 : )
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▴The Pinkprint 粉紅藍圖▴Nicki Minaj 妮琪·米娜 /. The... 发布人 bloggerlovemusic
[Verse 1]
Ayo tonight is the night that I'ma get twisted /就是今晚 我要嗨翻天際
Myx Moscato and vodka, I'ma mix it /精緻葡萄酒 與伏特加絕配
Roll that spaceship, we about to get lifted /渾身解數 享受新的境界
Live in the present and gift is for the gifted/珍惜當下 好好把握機會
This what you came, this what you came for/而你在此 人生而必有用
You get what you buy, this what you paid for/得你所求 不忘背後艱辛與代價
So make sure the stars is what you aim for/尋找並堅定你的目標
Make mistakes though/人非聖賢
I never worry, life is a journey /不必擔心 生命就是場旅程
I just wanna enjoy the ride /只管好好享受 其中的過程
What is the hurry, It's pretty early /不必急忙 現在還早
It's ok, we'll take our time /放輕鬆 我們慢慢來
The night is still young /夜未央天未亮
The night is still young /今夜 我們花樣年華
The night is still young /點燃世界 令驕陽失色
And so are we /我們盛華綻放
The night is still young /夜未央天未亮
(How dare we sit quietly) /我們怎能 不動聲色
The night is still young /今夜 我們花樣年華
(And watch the world pass us by) /看著青春 消縱即逝
The night is still young /點燃世界 令驕陽失色
(How dare we sit quietly) /不張揚 枉青春
And so are we /我們盛華綻放
[Verse 2]
Ayo, drinks on you or the drinks is on me /不用在乎價位 盡情暢飲
We ain't going nowhere like tanks is on E /不喝空了油箱 哪都不去
We still getting money, what bank it's gon’ be /慎選銀行 存放本金
If he's sexy, he plankin' on me /遇到鮮肉 不吃還行
So where them big boys with all of that, Hey! /好哥們 都到哪去
Tell the bartender, say my order back, Hey! /叫酒保 上酒不停
It's bottle service, he ordered that, Hey! /確定來個 整套服務
Might let him take it home and slaughter that /還能帶回家 歡樂不間斷
He got friends for all of my friends /親朋好友 不斷湧進
They ain't leavin' til we say when /來了就 不醉不歸
And we gonna hangover the next day /醉如爛泥 宿醉醒來
But we will remember this day /而這一天 烙印在心
So drop the pop and get low /別顧著喝 灑汗舞池
Or we can drop the top and just cruise /車頂逍遙 暢遊整夜
We fresh to death, down to the shoes /時尚頂尖 非我莫屬
My only motto in life is don't lose /人生金句 絕不妥協
I never worry, life is a journey /不必擔心 生命就是場旅程
I just wanna enjoy the ride /只管好好享受 其中的過程
What is the hurry, It's pretty early /不必急忙 現在還早
It's ok, we'll take our time /放輕鬆 我們慢慢來
The night is still young /夜未央天未亮
The night is still young /今夜 我們花樣年華
The night is still young /點燃世界 令驕陽失色
And so are we /我們盛華綻放
The night is still young /夜未央天未亮
(How dare we sit quietly) /我們怎能 不動聲色
The night is still young /今夜 我們花樣年華
(And watch the world pass us by) /看著青春 消縱即逝
The night is still young /點燃世界 令驕陽失色
(How dare we sit quietly) /不張揚 枉青春
And so are we /我們盛華綻放
[Bridge] x2
We're just gettin’ started /才開始呢
We're just gettin’ started /我們才剛啟程
Can't you see the night's still early /你知道嗎 夜色還清
And we gon' get it wild and crazy /青春年華 恣意狂歡
The night is still young /夜未央天未亮
The night is still young /今夜 我們花樣年華
The night is still young /點燃世界 令驕陽失色
And so are we /我們盛華綻放
The night is still young /夜未央天未亮
(How dare we sit quietly) /我們怎能 不動聲色
The night is still young /今夜 我們花樣年華
(And watch the world pass us by) /看著青春 消縱即逝
The night is still young /點燃世界 令驕陽失色
(How dare we sit quietly) /不張揚 枉青春
And so are we /我們盛華綻放
(How dare we sit quietly) /我們怎能 不動聲色
(And watch the world pass us by) /看著青春 消縱即逝
(How dare we sit quietly) /不張揚 枉青春
編輯日 2015/7/24
bgt566@outlook.com 謝謝: )