從去年一直延到現在 終於能聽到胖狐的美音了❤️
當初打第一單的時候還想說Body Talk的風格不是我的菜
不過專輯出後 流暢度竟然意外高 裡面有有很多可愛活潑的歌曲
而打單的部分包括與H&M的合作 到目前為止也有四單了 (If You Leave Me Now 不算)

【Youtube 歌詞字幕】
影片網址: http://www.bilibili.com/video/av4096020/
影片網址: http://v.yinyuetai.com/video/2521096/
[Verse 1]
We were banging on the doors of heaven before /美夢愛情大門 被我們給甩上
But we didn't have a chance in hell /還沒經歷 折磨難熬的煉獄
Still I tried to save it /我曾試著挽回
My soul hit the floor and it hurt to the core /我的心則 深受打擊
And I didn't have anybody to tell /卻無人可以 聽我哭訴
Didn't want to face it /不願面對這一切
You cut me deep, it hurt to feel /你傷得很深 無得倖免
It's taken time, but wounds they heal /但時間過去 傷會癒合
Now you're just a scar /現在你只是個疤痕
A story I tell /被敘述的故事
Such an ugly mark, but I wear it so well /醜陋的痕跡 但我撐搭得起
Like, oh well, oh well /撐得起
Now you're just a scar /只是遺留下的一道疤痕
A time that I fell for someone who didn't love me well /一次失敗的情 愛上不對的人
Like, oh well, oh well /錯的人
[Verse 2]
There used to be a time I couldn't sleep at night /當初為你而失眠
No, I couldn't dry my eyes /那時的淚流不止
Now I'm done crying /現在不再 為你哭泣
There used to be a time you took all my light /有那一刻 你奪取了我所有光明
Like nothing was left to find /好似我人生 只剩孤寂
Now my lights are blinding /現在我用力的閃耀
You cut me deep, it hurt to feel /你傷得很深 無得倖免
It's taken time, but wounds they heal /但時間過去 傷會癒合
Now you're just a scar /現在你只是個疤痕
A story I tell /被敘述的故事
Such an ugly mark, but I wear it so well /醜陋的痕跡 但我撐搭得起
Like, oh well, oh well /撐得起
Now you're just a scar /只是遺留下的一道疤痕
A time that I fell for someone who didn't love me well /一次失敗的情 愛上不對的人
Like, oh well, oh well /錯的人
Now you're just a scar, a story I tell /只是個待我 敘述的疤痕
Such an ugly mark, I wear it so well /那醜陋的痕跡 我卻能撐得起
Now you're just a scar, a time that I fell /那個愛錯人 留下的證據
For someone who didn't love me /那個沒能好好愛我
Someone who didn't love me /為我奉獻著想的人
Now you're just a scar /現在你只是個疤痕
A story I tell /被敘述的故事
Such an ugly mark, but I wear it so well /醜陋的痕跡 但我撐搭得起
Like, oh well, oh well /撐得起
Now you're just a scar /只是遺留下的一道疤痕
A time that I fell for someone who didn't love me well /一次失敗的情 愛上不對的人
Like, oh well, oh well /錯的人
Now you're just a scar, a story I tell /只是個待我 敘述的疤痕
Such an ugly mark, I wear it so well /那醜陋的痕跡 我能撐得起
編輯日 2016/2/18
bgt566@outlook.com 謝謝: )