

單身還好過 在一段感情中感到孤單。


WILD - EP1800x1800sr



what I've just learnt :") #everyonehavefreetobesensitive

HellDevil Chris(@bgt566)張貼的相片 於 2014 年 10月 月 19 9:00上午 PDT 張貼


而當感情到了終點 即便是言論上的爭吵 也好過遙遙無期的冷戰。


[Verse 1]
Growing distance, free of explanation /逐漸疏遠 無任何解釋
We're getting deeper in this mess /一團糟內 越陷越深
Take careful contemplation /謹慎的想著 做錯了什麼
I'd rather be spittin' blood /寧可實際被傷害
Than have this silence fuck me up /也好過冷戰的殘酷
[Verse 2]
This separation /兩人形同陌路
Time and space between us /時間與距離的阻隔
For some revelation /我也有些懂了
You didn't care to discuss /你也不想談論
I'd rather be black and blue /寧願獨自憂鬱寡歡
Than accept that you withdrew /也不要再次退讓
Just tell me /就跟我說吧
Say anything /說什麼都好
Anything hurts less than the quiet /默不作聲 是最慘忍的對待
Just tell me /快跟我說呀
Say anything /什麼都好
Anything hurts less than the quiet /默不作聲 比什麼都傷得更深更痛
[Verse 3]
Used to give each other the world /從前總是分享著彼此的世界
Every bit /一絲一豪
I used to be the one you'd come to /我曾是你的庇護所
When it'd all go to shit /當世界與你為敵
Now I'm left here in the dust /現在的我 墮落在愛後塵霾
With the taste of broken trust /與那破碎的信任
[Verse 4]
And I don't wanna walk away /我不想就這樣離開
But you left me no choice /但你逼得我 無從可選
Only talking to myself here /所有對話 宛如自言自語
Now you've muffled your voice /而你依舊 悶不吭聲
I'd rather have broken bones /我寧願粉身碎骨
Than feel myself turn to stone /將自己封閉起來
Just tell me /就跟我說吧
Say anything /說什麼都好
Anything hurts less than the quiet /默不作聲 是最慘忍的對待
Just tell me /快跟我說呀
Say anything /什麼都好
Anything hurts less than the quiet /默不作聲 比什麼都傷得更深更痛
I don't mind that I know that you're wrong /即便我知道你錯的多離譜
I don't mind that you think you're right /我也不在乎 你固執己見
All I want is a fight to fight /心中只想 一味的爭吵
Anything but quiet /什麼都好過 寂靜不語
Just tell me /就跟我說吧
Say anything /說什麼都好
Anything hurts less than the quiet /默不作聲 是最慘忍的對待


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編輯日 2015/11/6

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