我是從Pop Danthology 2014裡認識這首歌的
The Chainsmokers爆紅的 #Selfies 應該也不用我多解釋
而這首有點像是 #自拍 的番外篇 聽到女孩裡在廁所李無所謂的聊天
努力賺錢的女孩也很羨慕 在嘗試了奢華富貴的生活後
還是回到原本平淡的生活 回到自己的愛人與小孩身邊
也許這才是真正的幸福吧 而不是花天酒地的派對
也許回到讓自己覺得舒服的人身邊 也比扮得花枝招展去討人欣喜還來得實際吧
Kanye meaning: "feeling like you're the king". (The Chainsmokers)
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西洋 知音 Dailymotion:
【Trademark (Cash Cash x Clean Bandit x The Chainsmokers) /. Long Shot】
[Verse 1: Siren]
I have never wished and hoped /我從不奢望跟追求
Didn't need a telescope to see where I am going /不需要望遠鏡 來看清未來的道路
I have never been the one, trying to hold my tongue /我從不是 莫不出聲 的那種人
Is my stereo on /是時候到我了
One day I'll stand with a crown on my head /某日皇冠加冕 在我頭上
Like a God yeah, like a God /感覺至高無上 尊榮至極
With every step, no, I won't second guess what I want /對每一步 都清楚明瞭
I wanna be like Kanye /我想做自己
I'll be the King of me always /不受控制 做自己的主人
Do what I want and have it my way /用自己方式 隨心所欲
All day, like Kanye-eah, yeah, yeah /無時無刻 不受控制
Like Kanye, Kanye, yeah-ah, yeah-ah (x2) /自己作主
I'll be the king of me /我為王 自己作主
[Verse 2]
Came from a broken home, okay /自小家窮貧苦
Single momma let me chase what I was made for /單親的媽媽 告訴我 勇敢去追夢
We be out to Paradise, built on nickels, rubbing dimes /榮華富貴中 找到新天堂
I'm entitled to so much more /我擁有了財富
One day I'll stand with a crown on my head /某日皇冠加冕 在我頭上
Like a God yeah, like a God /感覺至高無上 尊榮至極
With every step, no, I won't second guess what I want /對往後每步 都不再猶豫
I wanna be like Kanye /我想做自己
I'll be the King of me always /不受控制 做自己的主人
Do what I want and have it my way /用自己方式 隨心所欲
All day, like Kanye-eah, yeah, yeah /無時無刻 不受控制
Like Kanye, Kanye, yeah-ah, yeah-ah (x2) /自己作主
I'll be the king of me /我為王 自己作主
I'll be the king of me, me, me (x2) /我為王 自己作主
Like Kanye-eah yeah-ah, yeah-ah /自己作主
I have never wished and hoped /我從不奢望跟追求
Didn't need a telescope to see where I am going /不需要望遠鏡 來看清未來的道路
I have never been the one, trying to hold my tongue /我從不是 莫不出聲 的那種人
Is my stereo on /是時候 我該展現自己
I wanna be like Kanye /我想做自己
Do what I want and have it my way /用自己方式 隨心所欲
I wanna be like Kanye /我想做自己
I'll be the king of me (x2) /我為王 自己作主
Like Kanye, Kanye, yeah-ah, yeah-ah /自己作主
編輯日 2015/3/13
bgt566@outlook.com 謝謝: )