久違了 Carly 離上次的Call Me Maybe 也有三年了
這次的歌曲讓大家都能朗朗上口 也卡在腦子裡就就無法抹去
這次的I really like you隨然歌詞簡單
但副歌的記憶點滿到爆, 就是一直不斷的重複
而且不用說了 這是一部超級少女心的歌曲
我真的超級無敵喜歡你 ❤️❤️❤️
這次MV找來了電影界的老字號 Tom Hanks
還有最後Justin Bieber也有來插花一下
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[Verse 1]
I really wanna stop /這愛 可遇不可求
But I just gotta taste for it /即使如此 還是想冒險嘗試
I feel like I could fly with the ball on the moon /感覺輕盈 如在月球飛舞
So honey hold my hand you like making me wait for it /寶貝牽起我的手 別再讓我等待了
I feel I could die walking up to the room, oh yeah /興奮焦急 領著我回房間
Late night watching television /深夜節目 你我相依
But how we get in this position? /不知不覺變成 床上的溫情
It's way too soon, I know this isn't love /進展太突然 不確定是否為真愛
But I need to tell you something /但我得告訴你
I really really really really really really like you /我真的 超級 無敵 喜歡你
And I want you, do you want me, do you want me, too? /想把你佔為己有 你是否也這樣想?
I really really really really really really like you /我真的超級 霹靂無敵 喜歡你
And I want you, do you want me, do you want me, too? /我渴望你 你是否也著迷於我?
Oh, did I say too much? /我是否話太多?
I'm so in my head /當你不在我身邊時
When we're out of touch /我總是 沈迷在自己的世界
I really really really really really really like you /我真的 超級無敵 喜歡你
And I want you, do you want me, do you want me, too? /你令我著迷 你是否也渴望我?
[Verse 2]
It's like everything you say is a sweet revelation /你所說的每句言語 都像情詩
All I wanna do is get into your head /我想在你腦中 佔有一席之地
Yeah we could stay alone, you and me, and this temptation /當我們獨處 享受彼此的誘惑
Sipping on your lips, hanging on by thread, baby /唇間的溫度 未來的變數
Late night watching television /深夜節目 你我相依
But how we get in this position? /不知不覺變成 床上的溫情
It's way too soon, I know this isn't love /進展太突然 不確定是否為真愛
But I need to tell you something /但我得告訴你
I really really really really really really like you /我真的 超級 無敵 喜歡你
And I want you, do you want me, do you want me, too? /想把你佔為己有 你是否也這樣想?
I really really really really really really like you /我真的超級 霹靂無敵 喜歡你
And I want you, do you want me, do you want me, too? /我渴望你 你是否也著迷於我?
Oh, did I say too much? /我是否話太多?
I'm so in my head /當你不在我身邊時
When we're out of touch /我總是 沈迷在自己的世界
I really really really really really really like you /我真的 超級無敵 喜歡你
And I want you, do you want me, do you want me, too? /你令我著迷 你是否也渴望我?
Who gave you eyes like that? said you could keep them /是誰給了你那 迷人的眼眸
I don't know how to act, the way I should be leaving /不知道要如何離去 我已迷上你
I'm running out of time, going out of my mind /我快不行了 理智已失去控制
I need to tell you something /我得跟你說
I am pregnant /我懷孕了
Just kidding /開玩笑的啦
I really really really really really really like you /我真的 超級 無敵 喜歡你
And I want you, do you want me, do you want me, too? /想把你佔為己有 你是否也這樣想?
I really really really really really really like you /我真的超級 霹靂無敵 喜歡你
And I want you, do you want me, do you want me, too? /我渴望你 你是否也著迷於我?
Oh, did I say too much? /我是否話太多?
I'm so in my head /當你不在我身邊時
When we're out of touch /我總是 沈迷在自己的世界
I really really really really really really like you /我真的 超級無敵 喜歡你
And I want you, do you want me, do you want me, too? /你令我著迷 你是否也渴望我?
I really really really really really really like you /我真的 超級 無敵 喜歡你
And I want you, do you want me, do you want me, too? /想把你佔為己有 你是否也這樣想?
I need to tell you something /我得跟你說
I really really really really really really like you /我真的超級 霹靂無敵 喜歡你
And I want you, do you want me, do you want me, too? /我渴望你 你是否也著迷於我?
I really wanna stop, but I just gotta taste for it 人們總是這樣 就算是知道危險 也要嘗試
So honey hold my hand you like making me wait for it 如果他的愛人能夠確定 並握起他的手, 他就不用再繼續等待了
you like making me wait for it 是說『你總是讓我等待』,但hold my hand 的時候就是你已經確定了
Late night watching television 戀人都會這樣,伴在彼此身旁 一起看電視
But how we get in this position? 別忘記上面已經說到了(領回房間),所以他們在房內看著電視看著看著就...
這裡的position 指的就是性愛的姿態 (你可以想的浪漫一點)
hanging on by thread 意指不穩定的狀況 也許現在還可以 但為未來不知道(有很大的機率會失敗)
同意指 hanging on by hair, thread跟hair都是細長易斷的東西 有此可知歌詞中所講愛情。
編輯日 2015/3/7
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