

經歷許久 終於等到新專輯的來臨

一來就讓就粉絲爽翻天 一次22首歌


而在最新的The Pinkprint Movie更是一次融入四首歌 其中三首主歌一首副歌

就是這首All Things Go,以它開場回溯過去,The Crying Game則是當時與男友的關係,再用I Lied現在式,最後以抒情的Grand Piano 為未來鋪陳。


All Things Go不外乎就是在 感嘆時光的飛逝 與萬物的變化無常

在歌曲第一段 Verse 1敘述的是與前任男友 愛情長跑的回憶 當年Nicki還沒有出名時

男友曾跟她求過婚 後來Nicki猶豫了許久 還是決定先來衝事業 

從Verse 2後面開始講的就是家人與親情

在他成名後的一些家人之間的變化 Nicki與家人經歷的一些苦難

Nicki的表哥Nicholas Telemaque 在布魯克林(Brooklyn) 被槍殺 而動機則是無意義式的濫殺

在被害早前 表哥曾問過Nicki可不可以跟他一起住 但Nicki拒絕(因為那時候Nicki漸漸開始有名氣、Nicki懷疑表哥別有居心)

事發後表哥連一通電話也沒有打給他 而Nicki則是把過錯都怪在自己頭上 (為何當初沒接受表哥的邀約)

也是為何Nicki非常保護他的家人 免於在公共場合曝光

之後在Verse 3有提到Nicki曾在高中時期 意外懷了小孩 不過因為沒能力撫養 則選擇墮胎



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The Pinkprint Movie


[Verse 1]
Yo, I had to reinvent, I put the V in vent /喲 我必須從新來過 為女權找到出口
I put the heat in vents, man, I've been competing since /我駕起車奔離 我跟以往已經不同了
I look beyond what people saying, and I see intent /我不理人們閒言 別有居心我都看透了
Then I just sit back and decipher what they really meant /坐下好好想想 他們的言之有意
Cherish these nights, cherish these people /把握光陰 珍惜愛人
Life is a movie, but there'll never be a sequel /人生宛如電影 高低起伏 但結局尚未
And I'm good with that, as long as I'm peaceful /我是沒差 只要生活過的平平安安
As long as 7 years from now, I'm taking my daughter to preschool /只要從現在開始 我能照料好家人
Cherish these days, man, do they go quick /珍惜當下 很快的人事已非 
Just yesterday, I swear it was '06 /求婚那年 彷彿如昨日
Ten years ago, that's when you proposed /十年之前 你單膝下跪
I looked down, yes, I suppose /我向下看 躊躇的答覆
All things go, all things go /萬事皆變
All things go, all things go /萬事皆變
I feel one minute, yeah, we got it then it's gone /人生變化之快 無永垂不變之事
While we keep waiting for a moment to live for /而我們卻還花時間 等待渴望著好生活
So can't nobody ever tell me that I'm wrong /所以沒有人能 對著我指教人生道理
Cause I'ma ride out with you, still the night is young /我們會一起度過難關 夜生活才剛開始
And we keep going, we go /我們繼續著
(We go, we go) We wake back up and do it all again /隔日起身 在重複一樣的生活
(We know, we know) Say fuck the world, we riding 'til the end /我們都知道 憤世忌俗 我們要用著種方式活到最後
When all is said and done, look what we've become /等到說了做了 再來看看我們這副德性
I just want you to know that I did it for you /但我想要你知道 這一切都是為了你
[Verse 2]
I lost my little cousin to a senseless act of violence /家人因無意的暴力 而尚失了性命
His sister said he wanted to stay with me, but I didn't invite him /在這之前 他的家人曾問可不可以住一起 但我並沒有邀約
Why didn't he ask, or am I just buggin’? /他沒說什麼 也許只是我疑心病太重
Cause since I got fame, they don't act the same /自從我有了名氣 他們的態度也變了
Even though they know that I love ‘em /即使如此我還是愛的 他們都知道
Family ties broken before me /親情糾結 在我面前碎裂
Niggas trying to kill him, he ain't even call me /但是案發生 他也連通電話都沒打給我
And that's the reflection of me, yes, I get it, I get it was all me /這就是我自己種的因果 我知道 這都是我的錯
I pop a pill and remember the look in his eyes, the last day he saw me /用毒品迷幻自己 卻還是無法忘卻他的回憶
All things go, all things go /萬事皆變
All things go, all things go /萬事皆變
I feel one minute, yeah, we got it then it's gone /人生變化之快 無永垂不變之事
While we keep waiting for a moment to live for /而我們卻還花時間 等待渴望著好生活
So can't nobody ever tell me that I'm wrong /所以沒有人能 對著我指教人生道理
Cause I'ma ride out with you, still the night is young /我們會一起度過難關 夜生活才剛開始
And we keep going, we go /我們繼續著
(We go, we go) We wake back up and do it all again /隔日起身 在重複一樣的生活
(We know, we know) Say fuck the world, we riding 'til the end /我們都知道 憤世忌俗 我們要用著種方式活到最後
When all is said and done, look what we've become /等到說了做了 再來看看我們這副德性
I just want you to know that I did it for you /但我想要你知道 這一切都是為了你
[Verse 3]
Let me make this clear, I'm not difficult, I'm just 'bout my business /先讓我把話講明 我不是難相處 只是我顧好自己的事
I'm not into fake industry parties, and fake agendas /老娘辛苦工作 沒時間假裝與嬉戲
Rock with people for how they make me feel, not what they give me /跟人好相處 則是他們給我的感覺 而不是給予了我什麼
Even the ones that hurt me the most, I still show forgiveness /即使是傷我很深的人 我依舊會釋懷
I love my mother more than life itself, and that's a fact /我愛我的母親 比我的生命還重要
I'd give it all, if somehow I could just rekindle that /我會放棄一切 但為了他我會再次振作
She never understands why I'm so overprotective /母親他從不懂 為何我要這麼保護他
The more I work the more I feel like somehow they're neglected /我越是勤奮的工作 不知怎麼的越是覺得他們被我忽視了
I want 'Caiah to go to college just to say "We did it!” /希望我弟弟能去學校 驕傲地說”我們成功了"
My child with Aaron would've have been sixteen any minute /年輕時我流產的小孩 現在也已十六歲了
So in some ways I feel like 'Caiah is the both of them /所以有時我覺得 我弟弟有點像他
It's like he's 'Caiah's little angel looking over him /就如他是我弟的小天使 悄悄地在上空保護著他
And I know Jelani will always love me, and I'll always love him /而我哥哥總是愛著我 我也非常愛他
And I'm just his little sister, not Nicki Minaj when I'm around him /對他來說 我只是他的小妹 並非大牌明星
Gee we did it, let's leave this imprint /不敢相信我們完成了 在此留個銘記
Just finished writing, this is The Pinkprint /結束這首歌 這就是粉紅藍圖
All things go, all things go /萬事皆變
All things go, all things go /萬事皆變



編輯日 2015/1/10

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    創作者 修羅. 豆豆先生 的頭像
    修羅. 豆豆先生

    這就是HellDevil 修羅

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