

在戲院第一次看到這部電影的預告 配樂一上來就馬上興奮了起來 尤其是與氣氛極搭

碩不知有人像電影原聲帶投稿了好幾次都沒入選((Troye Sivan...(((小聲


種感覺這首個訴說的東西真的很多 不僅僅只是陳述電影的內容 還有Halsey在創作本身的靈感

我也很久沒有做歌詞註釋這東西了 因為有時候覺得還是能盡量能直接在歌詞翻譯中能表達 才是最好的

但這次內容多到還是要來點註解 ((哈哈....

再一次專訪中Halsey有提到這句歌詞 “an old man sitting on the throne” 其實比喻的是那些比他年長的人(家長)

總是覺得他太過演出,或是不符合他們的意願 Halsey在之後想了想 "我為何需要去取悅他人呢?"

另外歌詞方面也有兩種看法 一種是不分段法 另外一總則是將句子獨立出來看 意思則有不同

And there's an old man sitting on the throne that's saying that I probably shouldn't be so mean.

And there's an old man sitting on the throne. That's saying that I probably shouldn't be so mean.

由於排版上的堅持 (排版上)都是用獨立兩段,不過翻譯方面則是副歌第一段使用獨立分段翻譯,副歌第二段則是不分段法翻譯

所以最後 And there's an old man sitting on the throne. That's saying I should probably keep my pretty mouth shut.

再分段式翻譯下不是那個Old man叫他去閉上嘴吧,而是無關聯的兩段 Old man sitting on the throne,與That's saying(這代表) (我不需要張嘴說些什麼)

關於Agnus dei的有興趣可以去google一下 在這也不多作解釋


為什麼要說與這個電影很有關聯能 因為處處都是雙關 在副歌的第一段 很明顯地他是被"請"上去做女皇

但到了第二段卻是非常主動的反攻 這兩段的差距也顯示著Halsey的真實人生 前半部他是被經紀公司給捧出來的女星,而到了後頭他要開始創造與運作自己的規局

這次的翻譯也是燒了很多腦細胞 總之廢話也不多說 趕快來體驗海爾賽的魅力才是






[Verse 1]
Sick of all these people talking /人們的議論紛紛
Sick of all this noise /倦惡這喧嘩躁世
Tired of all these cameras flashing /眾所矚目的焦點
Sick of being poised /旖旎的裝腔作勢
And now my neck is open wide /毫無戒備的 展露著弱點
Begging for a fist around it /求忘誰能 致我於死
Already choking on my pride /早被自己傲慢給勒喉
So there's no use crying about it /再怨悔哀嚎 也於事無補
[Pre-Chorus] x2
Agnus dei /待宰的羔羊
Agnus dei /救贖的象徵
I'm headed straight for the castle /長驅直入 堡殿要塞
They wanna make me their queen /被黃袍加身 立擁為女帝
And there's an old man sitting on the throne /那龍位上的長者
That's saying that I probably shouldn't be so mean /憎恨埋怨著 我的不請自來
I'm headed straight for the castle /勢如破竹 鎮敵之壘
They’ve got the kingdom locked up /鎖國護勢 無路可退
And there's an old man sitting on the throne /那寶座上的擁者
That's saying I should probably keep my pretty mouth shut /我血唇微提 勝負已定
Straight for the castle /此城已歸我所有
[Verse 2]
Oh, all these minutes passing /時光不為 誰而停留
Sick of feeling used /厭倦了魁儡人生
If you wanna break these walls down /要擊破建起的高牆
You’re gonna get bruised /必要擔起 所作代價
And now my neck is open wide /毫無戒備的 展露著弱點
Begging for a fist around it /求忘誰能 致我於死
Already choking on my pride /早被自己傲慢給勒喉
So there's no use crying about it /再怨悔哀嚎 也於事無補
[Pre-Chorus] x2
Agnus dei /待宰的羔羊
(There's no use crying about it) /再怨悔哀嚎 也於事無補
Agnus dei /救贖的象徵
I'm headed straight for the castle /長驅直入 堡殿要塞
They wanna make me their queen /被黃袍加身 立擁為女帝
And there's an old man sitting on the throne /那龍位上的長者
That's saying that I probably shouldn't be so mean /憎恨埋怨著 我的不請自來
I'm headed straight for the castle /勢如破竹 鎮敵之壘
They’ve got the kingdom locked up /鎖國護勢 無路可退
And there's an old man sitting on the throne /那寶座上的擁者
That's saying I should probably keep my pretty mouth shut /我血唇微提 勝負已定
Straight for the castle /此城已歸我所有
[Bridge] x4
There's no use crying about it /再怨悔哀嚎 也於事無補
[Chorus] x2
I'm headed straight for the castle /長驅直入 堡殿要塞
They wanna make me their queen /被黃袍加身 立擁為女帝
And there's an old man sitting on the throne /那龍位上的長者
That's saying that I probably shouldn't be so mean /憎恨埋怨著 我的不請自來
I'm headed straight for the castle /勢如破竹 鎮敵之壘
They’ve got the kingdom locked up /鎖國護勢 無路可退
And there's an old man sitting on the throne /那寶座上的擁者
That's saying I should probably keep my pretty mouth shut /我血唇微提 勝負已定
Straight for the castle /此城已歸我所有

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編輯日 2016/4/13

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