Sia的新專輯出來了 比Riri的好聽100倍((硬要酸一下
好啦開場有點不太友善 只能怪自己莫須有的期待(O
這首專輯"This Is Acting" 裡面的歌曲都是為別人量身定做的
自己當然也會覺得可惜 所以就把歌曲做一個回收處理的動作((套什麼梗
而在早前所釋出的單曲 也被網友說怎麼可能沒有一首不好聽!!??!!
Sia也在訪談說到了 這次是抱著試驗的心態 也是因為不想量這些好歌曲就此被浪費
((拜託你金曲製造機耶!! 誰不要誰吃虧好不好!!
果不其然一開首 光一個早上強暴了50幾國的第一名寶位
而這首歌特之處就是有混入了東方的文化元素 ((不敢斷定啦!但應該是日系 我的觀察啦
然後在歌詞也多處隱喻破碎玻璃,((小知識)) 其實很多玻璃做的藝品在高溫溶解後可以在重製唷!!
[Verse 1]
Laying down in your arms /躺在你的懷裡
I don't wanna fight anymore /不想再爭執了
Rough seas will be calm /波濤駭浪 終將平息
I'm home while we wait through the storm /總在彼此身旁 伴渡風雨
We fall down like dogs playing dead /我們都知道 只是不願面對
Well our love's not worth playing chicken, baby /這份愛 不值得耽擱
I'm not discarding you like broken glass /不將你丟棄 如碎裂玻璃
There are no winners when the die is cast /停下鑄造愛情 只會兩敗俱傷
There's only tears when it's the final task /最後試煉 只有淚水留下
So don't give up /別輕易放手
It's just young lovers’ romance /年少之戀 得經磨練
So don't give up /不要放棄
It's just young lovers’ romance /年輕羅曼史 得慢火燒窯
[Verse 2]
This too shall pass /一切都會過去的
When we are where we're meant to be /緣份怎麼樣安排
Learn things I don't ask /在旁靜待 觀摩學習
What I don't know can't hurt me /非我所知 即傷不了我
We fall down like dogs playing dead /我們都知道 只是不願面對
Well our love's not worth playing chicken, baby /這份愛 不值得耽擱
I'm not discarding you like broken glass /不將你丟棄 如碎裂玻璃
There are no winners when the die is cast /停下鑄造愛情 只會兩敗俱傷
There's only tears when it's the final task /最後試煉 只有淚水留下
[Half-Chorus-Post] x2
So don't give up /別輕易放手
It's just young lovers’ romance /年少之戀 得經磨練
So don't give up /不要放棄
It's just young lovers’ romance /年輕羅曼史 得慢火燒窯
[Chorus 2]
I'm not discarding you like broken glass /不將你丟棄 如碎裂玻璃
There are no winners when the die is cast /停下鑄造愛情 只會兩敗俱傷
There's only tears when it's the final task /最後試煉 只有淚水留下
So don't give up /別輕易放手
It's just young lovers’ romance /年少之戀 得經磨練
[Chorus 3]
I'm not discarding you like broken glass /不將你丟棄 如碎裂玻璃
There are no winners when the die is cast /停下鑄造愛情 只會兩敗俱傷
There's only tears when it's the final task /最後試煉 只有淚水留下
So don't give up /別輕易放手
It's just young lovers’ romance /年少之戀 得經磨練
Don't give up, it's just young lovers’ romance /不要放棄 年輕羅曼史 得慢火燒窯 (x2)
I'm not discarding you like broken glass /並不會因碎裂 而放棄我們的愛
I'm not discarding you like broken glass /不會因為殘破 而不去彌補
I'm not discarding you like broken glass /不會輕易放手 在努力拼湊
So don't give up /別輕易放手
It's just young lovers’ romance /年少之戀 得經磨練
編輯日 2016/2/2
bgt566@outlook.com 謝謝: )