人家說首單跟二單往往風格都很像啦~ 所以有概視既也是難免難免
不過整體來說新專輯並沒有非常對到我的胃口 不過他的歌曲都是很正面的就是了
最近也發生了讓國人震憤的事 就是周子瑜事件
而在網路上就有了 #StandByYu 的分類
一開始在想中文歌名時就有點糾結 當初一開始想法是同甘共苦
本文引用自 §Stand By You---Rachel Platten歌詞翻譯§
此篇 基於 Mango∮芒果 的翻譯 再譯
希望大家不要吝嗇的過去給點關注跟點閱吧 : )
影片網址: http://www.bilibili.com/video/av3630959/
影片網址: http://v.yinyuetai.com/video/2484407/
[Verse 1]
Hands, put your empty hands in mine /牽起雙手 不再空落
And scars /傷痕累累的過去
Show me all the scars you hide /請對我展露無疑
And hey, if your wings are broken /若你雙翅 支離破碎
Please take mine so yours can open too /請用我的彌補 再次讓你飛翔
Cause I'm gonna stand by you /因為我會 對你不離不棄
Oh, tears make kaleidoscopes in your eyes /眼淚使得 世界萬花旋轉
And hurt, I know you're hurting, but so am I /而傷痛 我與你一起承擔
And love, if your wings are broken /愛的力量 你那殘缺的羽翼
Borrow mine so yours can open too /我願意付出 直到我們一起展翅
Cause I'm gonna stand by you /我願跟你 同甘共苦
Even if we're breaking down /失敗挫折 總總不順
We can find a way to break through /攜手連心 一起突破重圍
Even if we can't find heaven /即使不達 天堂境地
I'll walk through Hell with you /煉獄之熬 也陪你走過
Love, you're not alone /愛的力量 不再隻身一人
Cause I'm gonna stand by you /我會跟你 肩並肩度過
Even if we can't find heaven /就算無法 享樂天境
I'm gonna stand by you /我會跟你一起 共患難
Even if we can't find heaven /不達人間仙境
I'll walk through Hell with you /地獄也陪著你
Love, you're not alone /真誠摯愛 不再孤單
Cause I'm gonna stand by you /一起熬過 艱難十分
[Verse 2]
Yeah, you're all I never knew I needed /讓我發覺 從未如此需要你
And the heart, sometimes it's unclear why it's beating /小鹿亂撞 被愛情搞得迷糊
And love, if your wings are broken /親愛的 若你雙翅 支離破碎
We can brave through those emotions too /攜手戰勝這些 悲傷情愁
Cause I'm gonna stand by you /因為我 會對你不離不棄
And oh, truth, I guess truth is what you believe in /真實則是 你一直堅信的
And faith, I think faith is having a reason /希望 則是走下去的動力
No, no, no, love, if your wings are broken /愛的力量 你那殘缺的羽翼
Borrow mine so yours can open too /我願意付出 直到我們一起展翅
Cause I'm gonna stand by you /我願跟你 同甘共苦
Even if we're breaking down /失敗挫折 總總不順
We can find a way to break through /攜手連心 一起突破重圍
Even if we can't find heaven /即使不達 天堂境地
I'll walk through Hell with you /煉獄之熬 也陪你走過
Love, you're not alone /愛的力量 不再隻身一人
Cause I'm gonna stand by you /我會跟你 肩並肩度過
Even if we can't find heaven /就算無法 享樂天境
I'm gonna stand by you /我會跟你一起 共患難
Even if we can't find heaven /不達人間仙境
I'll walk through Hell with you /地獄也陪著你
Love, you're not alone /真誠摯愛 不再孤單
Cause I'm gonna stand by you /一起熬過 艱難十分
I'll be your eyes /當你雙眼 看透世界
Til yours can shine /直到你能 辨清是非
I'll be your arms, I'll be your steady satellite /守護你 為你指引導路
And when you can't rise /當你身陷谷底
Well, I'll cry with you on hands and knees /我會跟你 共同承擔痛苦
Cause I /因為我呀
(I'm gonna stand by you) /我願跟你 同甘共苦
Even if we're breaking down /失敗挫折 總總不順
We can find a way to break through /攜手連心 一起突破重圍
Even if we can't find heaven /即使不達 天堂境地
I'll walk through Hell with you /煉獄之熬 也陪你走過
Love, you're not alone /愛的力量 不再隻身一人
Cause I'm gonna stand by you /我會跟你 肩並肩度過
Even if we can't find heaven /就算無法 享樂天境
I'm gonna stand by you /我會跟你一起 共患難
Even if we can't find heaven /不達人間仙境
I'll walk through Hell with you /地獄也陪著你
Love, you're not alone /真誠摯愛 不再孤單
Cause I'm gonna stand by you /一起熬過 艱難十分
編輯日 2016/1/19
bgt566@outlook.com 謝謝: )