最近非常紅的一首歌 也是一位新人
也是因為他的歌詞 非常能讓如體悟到相同的感覺
有時在一個很熱鬧的場面 你就是開心不起來 因為沒半點跟你有關的
也只是因為被朋友拉過了 for the sake of being here
影片網址: http://www.bilibili.com/video/av3532014/
影片網址: http://v.yinyuetai.com/video/2471567/
I guess right now you've got the last laugh /我想你就是 最後的贏家
[Verse 1]
I'm sorry if I seem uninterested /我很抱歉 看起來那麼提不起勁
Or I'm not listenin', or I'm indifferent /根本沒在聽 冷漠無視你
Truly I ain't got no business here /說真的 這裡沒老娘的事
But since my friends are here /因為朋友 也在這裡
I just came to kick it /我就來這裡亂
But really I would rather be at home all by myself /說實在早知道 我寧可龜在家
Not in this room with people who don't even care about my well-being /也好過待在這 沒人在乎我的地方
I don't dance, don't ask, I don't need a boyfriend /不給揪 別問了 老娘不缺男友
So you can, go back, please enjoy your party /就請你滾一邊 享受自己的派對
I'll be here /我就待在這
Somewhere in the corner /在角落自屬
Under clouds of marijuana /抽著大麻散佈
With this boy who's hollering /與這鬼吼鬼叫的傢伙
I can hardly hear /快搞到耳背
Over this music I don't listen to /也好過這裡 糟透的音樂
And I don't wanna get with you /我也不想跟你鬼混
So tell my friends that I'll be over here /就跟我朋友說聲 我龜在此吧
Oh-oh-oh here /在這 (x2)
Oh I ask myself, what am I doin' here? /問著自己 到底在這幹嘛的
Oh-oh-oh here /這鬼地方 (x2)
And I can't wait 'til we can break up out of here /迫不及待的想要離開
[Verse 2]
Excuse me if I seem a little unimpressed /原諒我的 無動於衷
With this an anti-social pessimist /反交際的 悲觀態度
But usually I don't mess with this /通常我也 不是這樣
And I know you mean only the best /我知道你 並非惡意
And your intentions aren't to bother me /你的好意 也不困擾我
But honestly I'd rather be /但說實話 我則寧可
Somewhere with my people, we can kick it and just listen to /與我的狐群狗黨一起廝混
Some music with a message /聽著有意義的歌曲
Like we usually do /就像往常般
And we'll discuss our big dreams /談天說著夢
How we plan to take over the planet /無論多麼荒妙
So pardon my manners /所以請諒解我的無理
I hope you'll understand that I'll be here /希望你懂 我就在這 哪都不去
Not there in the kitchen /不會去那廚房
With the girl who's always gossiping about her friends /跟那些女孩 像三姑六婆大聊八卦
So tell them I'll be here /我乖乖龜在這
Right next to the boy who's throwin’ up /就在狂吐不懈的男孩這
Cause he can't take what's in his cup no more /他已經玩完了 無法再喝一杯
Oh God why am I here? /老天呀 我到底在幹嘛
Oh-oh-oh here /在這 (x2)
Oh I ask myself, what am I doin' here? /問著自己 到底在這幹嘛的
Oh-oh-oh here /這鬼地方 (x2)
And I can't wait 'til we can break up out of here /迫不及待的想要離開
Hours later congregatin' next to the refrigerator /幾個鐘頭過後 大夥在冰箱聚集
Some girl talkin' 'bout her haters /某女大肆說著 他的黑特
She ain't got none /都在瞎掰
How did it ever come to this? /這到底怎麼發生的
I shoulda never come to this /我早知就不該來的
So holla at me, I'll be in the car when you're done /等你都結束了 叫我一生 我會在車上等著
I'm stand-offish, don't want what you're offerin’ /我就是這樣傲慢 不要你給我的
And I'm done talkin’ /我話就說到著
Awfully sad it had to be that way /很可惜一定 要這樣結尾
So tell my people when they're ready that I'm ready /跟我朋友說聲 等他們好 我早已準備
And I'm standin' by the TV with my beanie low /我會在電視著 與我的豆豆帽
Yo I'll be over here /我就龜在這
Oh-oh-oh here /在這 (x2)
Oh I ask myself, what am I doin' here? /問著自己 到底在這幹嘛的
Oh-oh-oh here /這鬼地方 (x2)
And I can't wait 'til we can break up out of here /迫不及待的想要離開
編輯日 2015/12/30
bgt566@outlook.com 謝謝: )