
被Shazam 選為2016最看好的新人之一

在Taylor之後 很少聽到有這種曲風的鄉村女歌手 

在今年早前出了EP後 也在11號正式推出專輯UNTAMED

而這首歌的吉他 讓我想起了Taylor 的Safe & Sound



這是他在大學時期的一段愛情 然而在最後他結束了這段感情 卻覺得自己處理的不是很好

過後的兩年在受要約 到好友會的派對 得知前男友也會去 心想這會是隔好時機去跟他道歉

在派對前一晚 他不斷的在腦子裡想這要怎麼樣跟他前任道歉 隨後就夢見了這棟烈火燃燒的房子

他解釋著夢境: “在消防隊都出來了,但他還在裡面。他們都叫我不要進去,因為房子很快就要塌了。不過我還是不顧一切地跑了進去,看到他在那頭。緊緊相擁到最後一刻,死而不孤單。” 


看了幕後花絮才知道 原來那房子是燒真的 O.O 





影片網址: http://www.bilibili.com/video/av3435474/

影片網址: http://v.yinyuetai.com/video/2505239/


[Verse 1]
I had a dream about a burning house /曾夢到感情 如烈火燎房
You were stuck inside, I couldn't get you out /你被困在裡頭 我卻力不能及
I laid beside you and pulled you close /與其孤單 願跟你夢魂相守
And the two of us went up in smoke /兩人就這樣 隨煙散去
Love isn't all that it seems I did you wrong /愛的深奧 我卻草草了結
I'll stay here with you until this dream is gone /我會伴隨著你 直到夢魘盡頭
I've been sleepwalking /近來魂不守舍
Been wandering all night /徹夜顛覆 迷失徘徊
Trying to take what's lost and broken /面對這破碎 已逝的愛情
Make it right /試著導回正歸
I've been sleepwalking /不斷遊蕩在夢中
Too close to the fire /焚燃野火 靠得太近
But it's the only place that I can hold you tight /但唯有在此 才能將你 擁入懷中
In this burning house /這烈火燎房
[Verse 2]
See you at a party and you look the same /久違再見 你還是依舊不變
I could take you back /想要再次挽回
But people don't ever change /但誰知未來如何
Wish that we could go back in time /多麼希望 可以回到過去 
I'd be the one you thought you'd find /我會成爲 你夢寐以求的天命
Love isn't all that it seems I did you wrong /愛的深奧 我卻草草了結
I'll stay here with you until this dream is gone /我會伴隨著你 直到夢魘盡頭
I've been sleepwalking /近來魂不守舍
Been wandering all night /徹夜顛覆 迷失徘徊
Trying to take what's lost and broken /面對這破碎 已逝的愛情
Make it right /試著導回正歸
I've been sleepwalking /不斷遊蕩在夢中
Too close to the fire /焚燃野火 靠得太近
But it's the only place that I can hold you tight /但唯有在此 才能將你 擁入懷中
In this burning house /這烈火燎房
The flames are getting bigger now /毒燎虐焰 越燒越兇
In this burning house /在這烈火燎房
I can hold on to you somehow /我可以緊緊守握你
In this burning house /這棟房子 烈火中燒 
Oh when I don't want to wake up /想永遠在這夢境理
In this burning house /不斷燒著 烈火燎房
I've been sleepwalking /近來魂不守舍
Been wandering all night /徹夜顛覆 迷失徘徊
Trying to take what's lost and broken /面對這破碎 已逝的愛情
Make it right /試著導回正歸
I've been sleepwalking /不斷遊蕩在夢中
Too close to the fire /焚燃野火 靠得太近
But it's the only place that I can hold you tight /但唯有在此 才能將你 擁入懷中
In this burning house /這烈火燎房


【社交軟體 Social Media】

西洋 知音 FaceBook:

西洋 知音 Instagram:

西洋 知音 LINE:





西洋 知音 YouTube:
主頻道: http://smarturl.it/bloggerlovemusic
音樂分享頻道: http://smarturl.it/blm-music-section
影片字幕頻道: http://smarturl.it/blm-subtitle-section



西洋 知音 Dailymotion:


編輯日 2015/12/17


bgt566@outlook.com 謝謝: )


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