這次Selena 在Victoria’s Secret的精彩演出 也宣布這首就是下一支單曲 而這此演出還包含Me & My Girls
聽說MV也已經拍好與Beats by Dre 合作 就等發布 而在這先前也跟維多利亞的天使們也拍了一個類MV
只能說這次專輯裡面最性慾十足的 非這首莫屬
【Victoria's Secret Show】
【Victoria's Secret Angels 類MV】
影片網址: http://www.bilibili.com/video/av3677126/
影片網址: http://v.yinyuetai.com/video/2485682/
[Verse 1]
Can't keep my hands to myself /慾望之火 無法按耐
No matter how hard I'm trying to /天使惡魔 心裡掙扎
I want you all to myself /好想將你 佔為己有
You're metaphorical gin and juice /你獨到口味 似特調琴酒
So come on, give me a taste /放馬過來 讓我嚐口
Of what it's like to be next to you /在你身邊 如夢如境
Won't let one drop go to waste /一分一毫 都不浪費
You're metaphorical gin and juice /你有如 特調般美味
Cause all of the downs and the uppers /肢體的上下交觸
Keep making love to each other /陷入彼此 愛的氛圍
And I'm trying, trying, I'm trying, trying /努力試著 掙脫情網
All of the doubts and the outbursts /所有疑慮 心躁不安
Keep making love to each other /在此刻化為烏有
And I'm trying, trying, I'm trying, but I /但我還是 墜入於此
Can't keep my hands to myself /慾望之火 無法按耐
My hands to myself /這般美妙 無法自拔
Can't keep my hands to myself /你的撫摸 無法等待
My hands to myself /彼此纏綿 無法抗拒
[Verse 2]
My doctor say you're no good /即使知道 你不合適
But people say what they wanna say /人們就愛 流言蜚語
And you should know if I could /我的渴望 你該知道
I'd breathe you in every single day /你讓我上癮 無法戒去
Cause all of the downs and the uppers /肢體的上下交觸
Keep making love to each other /陷入彼此 愛的氛圍
And I'm trying, trying, I'm trying, trying /努力試著 掙脫情網
All of the doubts and the outbursts /所有疑慮 心躁不安
Keep making love to each other /在此刻化為烏有
And I'm trying, trying, I'm trying, but I /但我還是 墜入於此
Can't keep my hands to myself /慾望之火 無法按耐
My hands to myself /這般美妙 無法自拔
Can't keep my hands to myself /你的撫摸 無法等待
My hands to myself /彼此纏綿 無法抗拒
Can't keep my hands to myself /對你的撫摸 無法自己
I want it all, no, nothing else /只渴望你 別無所求
Can't keep my hands to myself /慾望之火 無法按耐
Give me your all and nothing else /將你的一切 都獻給我
Oh, I, I want it all /想將你 佔為己有
I want it all, I want it all /你的親吻 你的全心
Can't keep my hands to myself /無法等待 無法抗拒
I mean I could, but why would I want to /又為何要拒絕 這般如夢仙境
My hands to myself /這般美妙 無法自拔
Can't keep my hands to myself /慾望之火 無法按耐
My hands to myself /彼此纏綿 無法抗拒
Can't keep my hands to myself /你的撫摸 無法等待
I want it all, no, nothing else /只渴望你 別無所求
Can't keep my hands to myself /對你的撫摸 無法自己
Give me your all and nothing else /將你的一切 都獻給我
Can't keep my hands to myself /慾望之火 無法按耐
【社交軟體 Social Media】
編輯日 2015/12/13
bgt566@outlook.com 謝謝: )