熬呀熬的終於等到了專輯釋出的這天 一開iTunes就是被洗版 還有一面倒的五顆星
而在專輯裡的第二單(沒意外的話)就是 When We Were Young 點此番魚翻譯❤️
而這首在專輯內的第二首 沒有太多的情緒 但是就是朗朗上口 活潑可愛((這對Adele的歌來說應該很難得xD
而專輯一出就是一直在洗紀錄 先不說 Hello|招呼 打破了多少的紀錄
就連專輯在短短開售三天就賣出 兩百三十萬張,還被各大網站預測會破史上首週銷售最多的專輯
不過除了因為大家的期待與呼聲 另外一個主要原因是因為這個專輯將不會再任合串流音樂平台上架(Youtube Music, Apple Music, Spotify, 更不用說很無力的KKBOX)
所以只能呼籲想趕快聽到呆鵝銷魂的音樂的話 就趕快去幫他衝一下首週銷量xD (到26號)

影片網址: https://rutube.ru/video/60fa074b80659753ade342c5c6edfe1c/
影片網址: http://www.bilibili.com/video/av4801139/
影片網址: http://v.yinyuetai.com/video/2582736/
【Sofia Karlberg Cover】
【Tiffany Alvord Cover】
[Verse 1]
This was all you, none of it me /一切都是你的主意
You put your hands on /手輕輕地搭上
On over my body and told me /並跟我說
You told me you were ready /你準備好 面對我們的愛
For the big one, for the big jump /跨出一步 我也準備好了
I'd be your last love everlasting /我會是你 永生摯愛
You and me /我們的愛呀
Mmm, that was what you told me /這都是當初的 甜言蜜語
I'm giving you up /我已經對你死心了
I've forgiven it all /對一切都能諒解了
You set me free /解開心頭的鎖鏈
Send my love to your new lover /誠心祝福 你新的戀人
Treat her better /要對他更好更疼愛
We've gotta let go of all of our ghosts /我們必須 對彼此釋懷
We both know we ain't kids no more /我們都知道 大家都成熟了
Send my love to your new lover /而我送上 最誠摯的祝福
Treat her better /要更愛更珍惜他
We've gotta let go of all of our ghosts /不能再藕斷絲連
We both know we ain't kids no more /不再是 年輕不懂事了
[Verse 2]
I was too strong, you were trembling /我太霸道 令你膽戰心驚
You couldn't handle the hot heat rising /你無法平息 我激動情緒
Mmm, baby I'm so rising /情感起伏 我就是這樣
I was running, you were walking /你無法跟上 愛的變化
You couldn't keep up, you were falling down /只能墜落 粉身碎骨
Mmm, there's only one way down /只有這樣 收尾感情
I'm giving you up /我已經對你死心了
I've forgiven it all /對一切都能諒解了
You set me free /解開心頭的鎖鏈
Send my love to your new lover /誠心祝福 你新的戀人
Treat her better /要對他更好更疼愛
We've gotta let go of all of our ghosts /我們必須 對彼此釋懷
We both know we ain't kids no more /我們都知道 大家都成熟了
Send my love to your new lover /而我送上 最誠摯的祝福
Treat her better /要更愛更珍惜他
We've gotta let go of all of our ghosts /不能再藕斷絲連
We both know we ain't kids no more /不再是 年輕不懂事了
If you're ready /有心理準備了嗎 (x3)
I am ready /我已經就緒了
If you're ready, if you're ready /準備好 迫降愛情
We both know we ain't kids no more /我們大人了 整理好自己
No, we ain't kids no more /不再是不懂事的孩子了
I'm giving you up /我已經對你死心了
I've forgiven it all /對一切都能諒解了
You set me free /解開心頭的鎖鏈
Send my love to your new lover /誠心祝福 你新的戀人
Treat her better /要對他更好更疼愛
We've gotta let go of all of our ghosts /我們必須 對彼此釋懷
We both know we ain't kids no more /我們都知道 大家都成熟了
Send my love to your new lover /而我送上 最誠摯的祝福
Treat her better /要更愛更珍惜他
We've gotta let go of all of our ghosts /不能再藕斷絲連
We both know we ain't kids no more /不再是 年輕不懂事了
If you're ready /有心理準備了嗎 (x3)
(Send my love to your new lover) /誠心祝福 你新的戀人
I am ready /我已經就緒了
(Treat her better) /要對他更好更疼愛
We've gotta let go of all of our ghosts /該釋懷了
We both know we ain't kids no more /都長大了
If you're ready /有心理準備了嗎 (x3)
(Send my love to your new lover) /而我送上 最誠摯的祝福
If you're ready, are you ready /你準備好 迫降愛情了嗎
(Treat her better) /要更愛更珍惜他
We've gotta let go of all of our ghosts /不能再藕斷絲連
We both know we ain't kids no more /不再是 年輕不懂事了
bgt566@outlook.com 謝謝: )