你還在尋找你的彩虹嗎? 還是你已經非常幸運的找到了你的雙道天弓
人生有時候不要求快 而在人生最谷底最低潮的時候 也不要輕易放棄
因為不只是雨過天晴 說不定在狂風暴雨後 還會出線千載難逢兩道彩虹
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You're a one of a one /你是萬中之一
A one of a kind /難以尋求
That you only find once in a lifetime /就像一生才能找到一次
Made to fit like a fingerprint /就像指紋辨識 你是唯我專屬
A one of a kind /難以尋求
That you only find once in a lifetime /就像一生才能找到一次
Made to fit like a fingerprint /就像指紋辨識 你是唯我專屬
A code that clicks open a gold mine /一個能打開金礦的密碼
They say one man's trash is another man's treasure /有句話這樣說 一個人丟棄的 卻是另外一人的珍寶
When I found you, it was all pitter-patter /當我找到你時 一切都不重要了
Secretly, I hit the lottery /悄悄的 我像中了樂透般
'Cause you're brighter than all of the Northern Lights /你散發的光芒 比北方極光來的耀眼
You speak to me, even in my dreams /就算是在夢裡 也彷彿能聽見你的蜜語
Wouldn't let you go for even the highest price /就算是出最高價 我也不會放開你
They say one man's trash is another girl's treasure /有句話這樣說 一個人丟棄的 卻是另外一人的珍寶
So if it's up to me, I'm gonna keep you forever /我來決定的話 一定就是永遠把你放在身旁
'Cause I understand you, we see eye to eye /因為我能理解你 看進你的眼神
Like a double rainbow in the sky /宛如兩道彩虹 在天空似的絢麗
And wherever you go, so will I /不論你去到哪 我跟到天涯
'Cause a double rainbow is hard to find /因為你就如雙道天弓 千載難逢
Was a phenomenon when you came along /這感覺很奇特 當你走進我的人生
Yeah, our chemistry was more than science /我們之間的化學反應 科學都無法解釋
It was deafening, loud like lightning, it was striking /我們的愛 如雷震耳欲聾 引人注目
You couldn't deny it /這是無法否認的事實
They say one man's trash is another man's treasure /有句話這樣說 一個人不要的 卻是另外一人的珍寶
The two of us together, make everything glitter /但我們在一起 讓一切都閃耀了起來
'Cause I understand you, we see eye to eye /因為我能理解你 看進你的眼神
Like a double rainbow in the sky /宛如兩道彩虹 在天空似的絢麗
And wherever you go, so will I /不論你去到哪 我跟到天涯
'Cause a double rainbow is hard to find /因為你就如雙道天弓 千載難逢
To the bottom of the sea, I'd go to find you /就算潛到最深的海底 我也要找到你
Climb the highest peak to be right beside you /爬到最高的高峰 也要在你身旁
Every step I take, I'm keeping you in mind /我人生的每一步 都要有你的參與
They say one man's trash is another man's treasure /有句話這樣說 一個人丟棄的 卻是另外一人的珍寶
When I found you, it was all pitter-patter /當我找到你時 一切都不重要了
Secretly, I hit the lottery /悄悄的 我像中了樂透般
'Cause you're brighter than all of the Northern Lights /你散發的光芒 比北方極光來的耀眼
You speak to me, even in my dreams /就算是在夢裡 也彷彿能聽見你的蜜語
Wouldn't let you go for even the highest price /就算是出最高價 我也不會放開你
They say one man's trash is another girl's treasure /有句話這樣說 一個人丟棄的 卻是另外一人的珍寶
So if it's up to me, I'm gonna keep you forever /我來決定的話 一定就是永遠把你放在身旁
'Cause I understand you, we see eye to eye /因為我能理解你 看進你的眼神
Like a double rainbow in the sky /宛如兩道彩虹 在天空似的絢麗
And wherever you go, so will I /不論你去到哪 我跟到天涯
'Cause a double rainbow is hard to find /因為你就如雙道天弓 千載難逢
Was a phenomenon when you came along /這感覺很奇特 當你走進我的人生
Yeah, our chemistry was more than science /我們之間的化學反應 科學都無法解釋
It was deafening, loud like lightning, it was striking /我們的愛 如雷震耳欲聾 引人注目
You couldn't deny it /這是無法否認的事實
They say one man's trash is another man's treasure /有句話這樣說 一個人不要的 卻是另外一人的珍寶
The two of us together, make everything glitter /但我們在一起 讓一切都閃耀了起來
'Cause I understand you, we see eye to eye /因為我能理解你 看進你的眼神
Like a double rainbow in the sky /宛如兩道彩虹 在天空似的絢麗
And wherever you go, so will I /不論你去到哪 我跟到天涯
'Cause a double rainbow is hard to find /因為你就如雙道天弓 千載難逢
To the bottom of the sea, I'd go to find you /就算潛到最深的海底 我也要找到你
Climb the highest peak to be right beside you /爬到最高的高峰 也要在你身旁
Every step I take, I'm keeping you in mind /我人生的每一步 都要有你的參與
'Cause I understand you, we see eye to eye /因為我能理解你 看進你的眼神
Like a double rainbow in the sky /宛如兩道彩虹 在天空似的絢麗
And wherever you go, so will I /不論你去到哪 我跟到天涯
'Cause a double rainbow is hard to find /因為你就如雙道天弓 千載難逢
It's hard to find /千載難逢
It's hard to find /百年一見
Once in a lifetime /宛如一生一次 [x3]
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