有時 就是要出去走走 才可以體驗到不同的生活
有出去過 才會對乏味的人生改觀
也許奔波忙碌的生活很辛苦 但是總是有新鮮的事 等著你去發現
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This is "Gypsy" And this song is about /這個"流浪的吉普賽"是關於
you know traveling the world and sometimes feeling real real longly /你得知道 有時巡迴世界時 會到真的很孤單無助
but being ok with me /但我沒關係
because I’ve my fans and because when I get to that different country everyday /因為我還有愛我的粉絲 以及每當去到不同的國家
they are my home just for the day /那天 他們就是我的歸屬
I am so grateful for what I do /我真的很慶興 我做了這個決定
I don’t even think about, who doesn’t like it, who cars /我甚至連想都沒想過 誰會反感 誰會關心
I just people to know that, it was not easy to get here, I work hard and I try hard everyday /我只是想宣告世人 這是多麼得來不易的 我每天不斷的努力與嘗試
to make sure I earn my spot /來保證我能得到 我該有的
and some people just like, I don’t deserve to be here. /而有些人則是 輕視我所有的努力
I absolutely deserve to be here /這絕對是我該得的
I meant for this, meant for the stage /這是我註定好的 註定要踏上這舞台
It is my destiny. /這是我的使命
-Hello my little master! -in a word Lady Gaga /-小怪獸們大家好! -用一個字形容女神卡卡
-fearless /-膽子大
I really don’t do this for the money, really don’t do it for fame. /我是真的全心去做 不關利益或名利
I do it now, for my love of fans for the relationship that we had. /我現在只是為了 給我親愛的粉絲 與我們所共有的關係
-Hello how are you :) /-哈囉 你好嗎:)
-I really understand they, I know they understand me /-我跟粉絲心靈相通 我知道我們很了解彼此
It’s really a friendship /這真的就是 交誼
and in the audience every, fans would be like… /而每晚在演唱會 粉絲們都會極勁瘋狂
Trust yourself. /相信自己
being inspired about you. /發揮自己的靈感
Love you /愛自己
If I could have a moment to inspired you love yourself /如果我能機會啟發你 好好愛自己
that will be worth everything /那一切就都值得了
I have a insatiable need to make you happy. /我的私慾就是 要讓你們開心
I live for hearing my fans scream and because that just to happy to sing. /我會粉絲的尖叫而活 在且 為你們而唱是多麼愉快的
In fact, thanks for buying my record, I will living and dying with my work and my art /事實上 我真的很感激每張售出的專輯 讓我生與死都在我的創作 我的藝術
to protect your dreams .. because you protect mine. /我會去保護你們的夢想 就如你們對我所做的一樣
No matter what happens in your life. /不論你的生活發生了什麼事
I will always be there to catch you when you fall. /我都會在你沮喪時 拉你一把
Cause what we had, is forever /因為我們擁有的事 永遠在一起
Sometimes a story has no end /有時 故事不一定有結尾
Sometimes I think that we could just be friends /有時 我想著 我們可以只做朋友
"'Cause I'm a wandering man, " he said to me. /"因為我可是旅遊浪子呀"他這樣跟我說
And what about our future plans? /那我們計劃好的未來呢?
Does this thing we have even make sense? /我們做的還有意義嗎?
When I got the whole world in front of me /當我面對著這個大世界 你要這樣離開嗎
So I said, "I don't wanna be alone forever. /所以我說著"我並不想獨自一人到終老
But I can be tonight /但只是一晚 我可以承受
I don't wanna be alone forever /我不想守獨到老
But I love gypsy life /而我愛 吉普賽式的流浪生活
I don't wanna be alone forever /我不願 一生孤單
Maybe we can see the world together /也許我們可以一起看遍 大千世界
I don't wanna be alone forever /我不要 一生都孤寂
But I can be tonight, tonight.” /但今晚 就一晚我可以
So I just packed my baggage and /馬上收拾我的行囊
Said goodbye to family and friends /告別了家人與好友
And took the road to nowhere on my own /踏上了 未知的路途
Like Dorothy on a yellow brick /像桃樂絲 踏上冒險刺激的旅程
Hope my ruby shoes get us there quick /希望我的 魔法紅寶石鞋 能快快去速速回
'Cause I left everyone I love at home /因為我的摯愛們 都在家裡
I don't wanna be alone forever. /所以我說著"我並不想獨自一人到終老
But I can be tonight /但只是一晚 我可以承受
I don't wanna be alone forever /我不想守獨到老
But I love gypsy life /而我愛 吉普賽式的流浪生活
I don't wanna be alone forever /我不願 一生孤單
Maybe we can see the world together /也許我們可以一起看遍 大千世界
I don't wanna be alone forever /我不要 一生都孤寂
But I can be tonight, tonight.” /但今晚 就一晚我可以
'Cause I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I’m /因為我是我是
A gypsy, gypsy, gypsy, I’m /是個 吉普賽浪人
I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I’m /因為我是我是
A gypsy, gypsy, gypsy, I’m /是個 吉普賽浪人
I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I’m /因為我是我是
A gypsy, gypsy, gypsy, I’m /是個 吉普賽浪人
I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I’m /因為我是我是
A gypsy, gypsy, gypsy, I’m /是個 吉普賽浪人
And then he asked me, /然後他接著問我
He said, "Baby, why do we love each other?” /"寶貝 為何我們彼此相愛?"
I said, "Honey, it's simple. /我說 ”親愛的 很簡單呀
It's the way that you love and treat your mother.” /因為你愛著我的方式 宛如對親人一般"
Thought that I would be alone forever /即使我會孤老一生
But I won't be tonight /但今晚 我不會
I'm a man without a home /我是個無家的浪子
But I think with you I can spend my life /但我可以跟你 共度餘生
And you'll be my little gypsy princess /而你是伴我身旁的 吉普賽公主
Pack your bags and we can chase the sunset /拿好行李 我們準備追足夕陽
Bust the rearview and fire up the jets /不再回頭 飛機起飛
'Cause it's you and me /就只有你與我
Baby, for life /寶貝 這才是生活
Would you go with me? /你會跟我一起走嗎?
(For life) /為了尋找生活
See the world with me /陪我看遍 大千世界
'Cause I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I’m /因為我是我是
A gypsy, gypsy, gypsy, I’m /是個 吉普賽浪人
I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I’m /因為我是我是
A gypsy, gypsy, gypsy, I’m /是個 吉普賽浪人
Russia, UK, Paris, I’m /走遍 俄羅斯 不列顛 巴黎
Italian, Asian, Combine /義式亞裔 都混過血
Africa, India, I’m /南非 印度
A gypsy, a gypsy, a gypsy. I’m /吉普賽浪人 周遊世界
Latin American, I don't speak German but I try /拉丁美洲 不會德文但我會試試
Someday in Jakarta, I’m /時時跑跑 雅加達
American, I'm gypsy I /美國 流浪式的吉普賽
Bangkok, Australia, Malaysia /曼谷 澳洲 馬來西亞
Sweden, Finland, Norway /瑞典 芬蘭與挪威
Be my home just for the day /在家不待太久
I'm a gypsy, gypsy, gypsy hey /我是吉普賽浪人 周遊世界
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