前幾天點撥不小心點到了這首 然後就整個人陷進去了<3
再翻的時候還有點壓力 看來好幾位前輩也都翻過了
其實過幾天後 又更離不開這首歌
因為我找到了Youtuber:Chester See 也有翻唱呀 ((愛心愛心愛心))
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John Legend 版
Chester See (Cover)
What would I do without your smart mouth? /沒了 你的伶牙俐嘴 我該怎麼辦?
Drawing me in, and you kicking me out /讓我深深愛上你 卻又把我畫出你人生外
You've got my head spinning, no kidding, I can't pin you down /說真的 你搞得我頭昏腦脹 就是拿你沒轍
What's going on in that beautiful mind /你那美妙俏玲的腦袋 在想什麼
I'm on your magical mystery ride /我踏上了你 謎樣又神奇的馳路
And I'm so dizzy, don't know what hit me, but I'll be alright /不知何來衝擊 使我頭暈目眩 但我挺得過去
My head's under water /腦袋進水 捉摸不清
But I'm breathing fine /但我仍意識清晰 正常吐息
You're crazy and I'm out of my mind /你很瘋狂 但我才是那個 瘋狂愛上你的
'Cause all of me /因為我全心全意
Loves all of you /愛上了你的一切
Love your curves and all your edges /深愛上 你美妙身曲 五官輪廓
All your perfect imperfections /愛上你的 完美與小毛病
Give your all to me /將你託付在我身上
I'll give my all to you /我會獻心奉給你
You're my end and my beginning /你是結尾 也是我一切的重生
Even when I lose I'm winning /有了你 不論勝敗為何
'Cause I give you all of me /只因 我給予你我的一切
And you give me all of you, oh /而你 賦予我你的全部
How many times do I have to tell you /我會不厭其煩的 告訴你
Even when you're crying you're beautiful too /即使淚流 你依舊美麗
The world is beating you down, I'm around through every mood /而當你沮喪難過 不論喜怒哀樂 我會伴你左右
You're my downfall, you're my muse /你是我心情起伏 我的朝思
My worst distraction, my rhythm and blues /使我分神 又是我的韵拍與藍調
I can't stop singing, it's ringing, in my head for you /無法停下 這歌曲在我腦中 為了你鋪陳蓋譜
My head's under water /腦袋進水 捉摸不清
But I'm breathing fine /但我仍意識清晰 正常吐息
You're crazy and I'm out of my mind /你很瘋狂 但我才是那個 瘋狂愛上你的
'Cause all of me /因為我全心全意
Loves all of you /愛上了你的一切
Love your curves and all your edges /深愛上 你美妙身曲 五官輪廓
All your perfect imperfections /愛上你的 完美與小毛病
Give your all to me /將你託付在我身上
I'll give my all to you /我會獻心奉給你
You're my end and my beginning /你是結尾 也是我一切的重生
Even when I lose I'm winning /有了你 不論勝敗為何
'Cause I give you all of me /只因 我給予你我的一切
And you give me all of you, oh /而你 賦予我你的全部
Give me all of you /將你 放心的寄託給我
Cards on the table, we're both showing hearts /對彼此攤開底牌 沒有秘密
Risking it all, though it's hard /即使困難 我們也要擔起
'Cause all of me /因為我全心全意
Loves all of you /愛上了你的一切
Love your curves and all your edges /深愛上 你美妙身曲 五官輪廓
All your perfect imperfections /愛上你的 完美與小毛病
Give your all to me /將你託付在我身上
I'll give my all to you /我會獻心奉給你
You're my end and my beginning /你是結尾 也是我一切的重生
Even when I lose I'm winning /有了你 不論勝敗為何
'Cause I give you all of me /只因 我給予你我的一切
And you give me all of you, oh /而你 賦予我你的全部
I give you all of me /為了你我奉上我的全部
And you give me all of you, oh /而你 將自己託付於我吧
Drawing me in, and you kicking me out /讓我深深愛上你 卻又把我畫出你人生外
You've got my head spinning, no kidding, I can't pin you down /說真的 你搞得我頭昏腦脹 就是拿你沒轍
What's going on in that beautiful mind /你那美妙俏玲的腦袋 在想什麼
I'm on your magical mystery ride /我踏上了你 謎樣又神奇的馳路
And I'm so dizzy, don't know what hit me, but I'll be alright /不知何來衝擊 使我頭暈目眩 但我挺得過去
My head's under water /腦袋進水 捉摸不清
But I'm breathing fine /但我仍意識清晰 正常吐息
You're crazy and I'm out of my mind /你很瘋狂 但我才是那個 瘋狂愛上你的
'Cause all of me /因為我全心全意
Loves all of you /愛上了你的一切
Love your curves and all your edges /深愛上 你美妙身曲 五官輪廓
All your perfect imperfections /愛上你的 完美與小毛病
Give your all to me /將你託付在我身上
I'll give my all to you /我會獻心奉給你
You're my end and my beginning /你是結尾 也是我一切的重生
Even when I lose I'm winning /有了你 不論勝敗為何
'Cause I give you all of me /只因 我給予你我的一切
And you give me all of you, oh /而你 賦予我你的全部
How many times do I have to tell you /我會不厭其煩的 告訴你
Even when you're crying you're beautiful too /即使淚流 你依舊美麗
The world is beating you down, I'm around through every mood /而當你沮喪難過 不論喜怒哀樂 我會伴你左右
You're my downfall, you're my muse /你是我心情起伏 我的朝思
My worst distraction, my rhythm and blues /使我分神 又是我的韵拍與藍調
I can't stop singing, it's ringing, in my head for you /無法停下 這歌曲在我腦中 為了你鋪陳蓋譜
My head's under water /腦袋進水 捉摸不清
But I'm breathing fine /但我仍意識清晰 正常吐息
You're crazy and I'm out of my mind /你很瘋狂 但我才是那個 瘋狂愛上你的
'Cause all of me /因為我全心全意
Loves all of you /愛上了你的一切
Love your curves and all your edges /深愛上 你美妙身曲 五官輪廓
All your perfect imperfections /愛上你的 完美與小毛病
Give your all to me /將你託付在我身上
I'll give my all to you /我會獻心奉給你
You're my end and my beginning /你是結尾 也是我一切的重生
Even when I lose I'm winning /有了你 不論勝敗為何
'Cause I give you all of me /只因 我給予你我的一切
And you give me all of you, oh /而你 賦予我你的全部
Give me all of you /將你 放心的寄託給我
Cards on the table, we're both showing hearts /對彼此攤開底牌 沒有秘密
Risking it all, though it's hard /即使困難 我們也要擔起
'Cause all of me /因為我全心全意
Loves all of you /愛上了你的一切
Love your curves and all your edges /深愛上 你美妙身曲 五官輪廓
All your perfect imperfections /愛上你的 完美與小毛病
Give your all to me /將你託付在我身上
I'll give my all to you /我會獻心奉給你
You're my end and my beginning /你是結尾 也是我一切的重生
Even when I lose I'm winning /有了你 不論勝敗為何
'Cause I give you all of me /只因 我給予你我的一切
And you give me all of you, oh /而你 賦予我你的全部
I give you all of me /為了你我奉上我的全部
And you give me all of you, oh /而你 將自己託付於我吧
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