Justin Timberlake 新MV出囉 其實我前兩天就翻好了 ((好勤勞
不過呢 我都懶得放上來 真是...((暑假
在上次的MV中 Mirrors中 奇異的風格 出乎意料的跳上 美國告示排行榜 前五名
最好的時候還一直停留在 第二名 連續兩三週
之後 有出了這個 "裸女MV" ((誤 而且風格都雷同 大概新專輯也是這步調了...
真是令人期待呀 來欣賞一下這首 Tunnel Vision ''在我的視野裡''
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I know you like it, I know you like it . /我就知道你會喜歡 (x16)
Don't know why but girl /不知道為何 但女孩
I'm feeling close to you, maybe this ocean view /我覺得越接近你 也許就像海景般
I'm so emotional, and all these stars been dancing on my head /我那麼感情用事 但現在我頭上滿是星星在跳舞
Too long, too long, too long /好久,好久,好久了
I wrote a song for you, I wanna sing to you /我為了你作詞作曲 並想奏給你聽
But every time I'm close to you, the words wanna come out, but I forget /但當我每次靠近你時 字字句句都蠢蠢欲動 而我卻忘了
It's so strong, it's so strong, it's so strong /它是多麼的強壯 那麼的強烈
Didn't I seem like I'm catching something. That's because it's true /不像我抓到了什麼 因為它是真實的
I can't deny it, and I won't try it but I think that you know /我不得不承認 但我不會去嘗試 而我想你也能理解
I look around and everything I see is beautiful 'cause all I see is you /我四處巡視 在我眼裡看到的一切 都很美好因為那是你
And I can't deny it and I stand by it, and I won't hide it anymore /我不能否認它 它給我了站起來的力量 我再也不會逃避了
A crowded room anywhere, a million people around, all I see is you /處處都是擁擠的房間在 百萬人之中我只看到你
And that everything just disappears, disappears, disappears, disappears /但在我眼前的事物 就著樣消逝了,消逝了,消逝…
Yeah a million people in a crowded room /一百萬人 都擠在一個擁擠的房間
But my camera lenses only been set to zoom /但我的相機鏡頭 永遠只鎖定你
And it all becomes so clear, becomes so clear, becomes so clear /而那一切都會 變得如此清晰 變得清晰 鎖定你
I got that tunnel vision for you /在我眼中只有你
I got that tunnel vision for you /在我眼中只有你
I got that tunnel vision for you /只有你這是我所能看見的
I got that tunnel vision, I only see you /在我的視野裡永遠只有你
I got that tunnel vision for you /在我眼中只有你
I got that tunnel vision for you /在我眼中只有你
I got that tunnel vision for you /只有你這是我所能看見的
I got that tunnel vision, I only see you /在我的視野裡永遠只有你
Now that I know the truth, what am I supposed to do? /現在我知到了真相那我應該怎麼做?
Changing up and breaking all my rules ever since we met /從我們見到你的那一刻你就破壞了我的每條原則
I'm so gone, I'm so gone, I'm so gone /那些都過去了都是往事了
Just like a movie shoot, I'm zooming in on you /就像槍擊電影我的槍口對準你
Everything is extra, in the background, just fades into the set /一切都是的多餘的在背景後漸漸退色
As we ride off into the sun /就有如我們漸漸跑入陽光之中
Didn't I seem like I'm catching something. That's because it's true /不像我抓到了什麼因為它是真實的
I can't deny it, and I won't try it but I think that you know /我不得不承認但我不會去嘗試而我想你也能理解
I look around and everything I see is beautiful 'cause all I see is you /我四處巡視在我眼裡看到的一切都很美好因為那是你
And I can't deny it and I stand by it, and I won't hide it anymore /我不能否認它它給我了站起來的力量我再也不會逃避了
A crowded room anywhere, a million people around, all I see is you /處處都是擁擠的房間在百萬人之中我只看到你
And that everything just disappears, disappears, disappears, disappears /但在我眼前得事物就著樣消逝了,消逝了,消逝…
Yeah a million people in a crowded room /一百萬人都擠在一個擁擠的房間
But my camera lenses only been set to zoom /但我的相機鏡頭永遠只鎖定你
And it all becomes so clear, becomes so clear, becomes so clear /而那一切都會變得如此清晰變得清晰鎖定你
I got that tunnel vision for you /在我眼中只有你
I got that tunnel vision for you /在我眼中只有你
I got that tunnel vision for you /只有你這是我所能看見的
I got that tunnel vision, I only see you /在我的視野裡永遠只有你
I got that tunnel vision for you /在我眼中只有你
I got that tunnel vision for you /在我眼中只有你
I got that tunnel vision for you /只有你這是我所能看見的
I got that tunnel vision, I only see you /在我的視野裡永遠只有你
Zoom zoom zoom.... /鎖定鎖定鎖定
Zoom zoom zoom in on you /鎖定鎖定鎖定你
I only see you! /我眼裡只有你
Zoom zoom zoom.... /鎖定鎖定鎖定
Zoom zoom zoom in on you /鎖定鎖定鎖定你
I only see you! /我眼裡只有你
I know you like it, I know you like it . /我就知道你會喜歡 (x16)
A crowded room anywhere, a million people around, all I see is you /處處都是擁擠的房間在百萬人之中我只看到你
And that everything just disappears, disappears, disappears, disappears /但在我眼前得事物就著樣消逝了,消逝了,消逝…
Yeah a million people in a crowded room /一百萬人都擠在一個擁擠的房間
But my camera lenses only been set to zoom /但我的相機鏡頭永遠只鎖定你
And it all becomes so clear, becomes so clear, becomes so clear /而那一切都會變得如此清晰變得清晰鎖定你
I got that tunnel vision for you /在我眼中只有你
I got that tunnel vision for you /在我眼中只有你
I got that tunnel vision for you /只有你這是我所能看見的
I got that tunnel vision, I only see you /在我的視野裡永遠只有你
I got that tunnel vision for you /在我眼中只有你
I got that tunnel vision for you /在我眼中只有你
I got that tunnel vision for you /只有你這是我所能看見的
I got that tunnel vision, I only see you /在我的視野裡永遠只有你
I know you like it, I know you like it . /我就知道你會喜歡 (x4)
I only see you /在我眼中只有你
I know you like it, I know you like it . /我就知道你會喜歡 (x6)
I only see you, yeah. /在我眼中只有你耶!
編輯日 2013/7/5
bgt566@outlook.com 謝謝:)