Though there's nothing left to say /可也沒什麼好說得了
直接來享受這首 籠中的愛情鳥 展翅高飛的音樂吧
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I'll lay down next to you /我會躺在你身旁
Stay in bed all afternoon /賴在床上整個下午
We were birds of a feather /我們是天作之合
We were always together /我們總是相依著彼此
And I never will forget /而我永遠不會忘記
All the little things you said /你訴說的點點滴滴
On that beautiful summer /那燘炎的夏日
Used to call me your lovebird /你說我是你的愛情鳥
But the time went on /但著時光的飛逝
The wind has blown and I have grown /經過了風風雨雨 我成長了
And I started a feeling /使我開始察覺
That my wings have been broken /我的羽翼已經凋零
And I can't believe /令我不敢置信的是
That I would ever want to be set free /我曾未想過那般自由
But I just can't stay /而我也無法在停留
So your lovebird's flying away /所以你的愛情鳥 飛走了
Your lovebird's flying away /她張開了羽翼 翱翔了
Cause my hearts been stuck in a cage /因為我的心 一直被你囚禁
Gotta sing my song so pretty /我只能為自己唱著 優美的旋律
Dum dum diddy /答答滴滴
And I'll miss you everyday /而我每天都好思念你
Though there's nothing left to say /可也沒什麼好說得了
Gotta sing my song so pretty /我只能為自己唱著 優美的旋律
Dum dum diddy /答答滴滴
I want the world in my feet /我想要站在這世界的頂端
Even if it's bittersweet /即變它是 有苦參樂
Wanna stand on my own and /也要自己爬起來
Hold my heart in my own hands /用自己的雙手保護著真情
Cause I've begun to see /因為我也漸漸看清
That you and me are different breeds /你我 已經分道揚鑣了
So I got to be leaving /所以 我必須離去
Gotta get back to breathing /靠自己呼吸
And I can't believe /令我不敢置信的是
That I would ever want to be set free /我曾未想過離開鳥籠
But I just can't stay /而我正要離去
So your lovebird's flying away /你的愛情鳥 展翅高飛了
Your lovebird's flying away /她張開了羽翼 翱翔了
Cause my hearts been stuck in a cage /因為我的心 一直被你囚禁
Gotta sing my song so pretty /我只能為自己唱著 優美的旋律
Dum dum diddy /答答滴滴
And I'll miss you everyday /日日夜夜思念你
Though there's nothing left to say /但也沒有什麼好說得了
Gotta sing my song so pretty /我只能為自己唱著 優美的旋律
Dum dum diddy /答答滴滴
And you'll always be a part of me /而你 永遠是我心中的一部分
You made me who I am /你使我做回了自己
But I got to say I'm not afraid to test my wingspan /而我要說的是 我將張開翅膀 而不再害怕
Cause they say if you love something /人們總是說 當你愛上
Let it go, let it go, let it go/就要學會放手 讓它去 讓它走
Open up the gate /打開那束縛的鳥籠
Cause your lovebird's flying away /你的愛情鳥 展翅高飛了
Your lovebird's flying away /她舞動著他的羽翼 翱翔了
Cause my hearts been stuck in a cage /因為我的心 一直被你囚禁
Gotta sing my song so pretty /我只能為自己唱著 優美的旋律
Dum dum diddy /答答滴滴
And I'll miss you everyday /日以繼夜想念著你
Though there's nothing left to say /而卻無言以對
Gotta sing my song so pretty /我只能為自己唱著 優美的旋律
Dum dum diddy /答答滴滴
bgt566@outlook.com 謝謝:)