

我的All time favourite

終於在潛水跟巡迴很久之後又開始有新的作品了 ((怎麼大家都選在這時候回歸

風格還是非常的自我 而且很守自己的原則 

這首歌跟Growing Pain比起來輕鬆了許多 也可愛了十分

很期待他新專輯的來臨 繼續用自己的天真無邪來改變世界





[Verse 1]

It's time I let you go /是時候該放手了

I made the mistake /犯了最不該犯的

Go writing your name on my heart /讓我的心 被你擄獲

'Cause you colours showed /等到你顯露本色

But it was too late, you left me stained /時程已晚 玷污了我

Called it art /染色了也是藝品

Do you crave control /你是控制狂嗎

I've been your doll /當你的娃娃

That you poke for fun too long /讓你隨心所欲地太久了

So you should go /該各走各路了

Don't look back, I won't come back /別回頭 我不會回首

Can't do that no more /我不能再這樣下去了



Go get your praise from someone else /要虛榮要讚揚 去找別人吧

You did a number on my health /你也損夠了我的身心

My world is brighter by itself /我的世界沒了你 會更光彩更晴空

And I can do better, do better /我會更好 成長茁壯

You and I were swaying on the ropes /我倆在邊緣 苦力撐著

I found my footing on my own /我找到自己的立足點

I'm a-okay, I'm good as gold /現在的我 好得不得了

And I can do better, do better alone /能向前邁進 向上攀爬

Alone, oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh /獨自一人 x2


[Verse 2]

There ain't no love 'round here /不愛了 別找我

I loved you once, but it made me dumb /墜過一次 連智力也下降了

Now I'm seeing it way too clear /終於 我看得太清

You hurt me numb, and for that I've run out of time /傷到無感 讓我耗盡時間

To have pain to feel (Pain to feel) /沒精力去甚至感到痛

I've been your game /被你玩弄著

Just taking the blame for too long /卻忙著自省 容下所有譴責

Get on out of here /快混出去吧

Don't look back, I won't come back /慢走不送 我不會回頭

Can't do that no more /我受不了了



Go get your praise from someone else /要虛榮要讚揚 去找別人吧

You did a number on my health /你也損夠了我的身心

My world is brighter by itself /我的世界沒了你 會更光彩更晴空

And I can do better, do better /我會更好 成長茁壯

You and I were swaying on the ropes /我倆在邊緣 苦力撐著

I found my footing on my own /我找到自己的立足點

I'm a-okay, I'm good as gold /現在的我 好得不得了

And I can do better, do better alone /能向前邁進 向上攀爬

Alone, oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh /獨自一人 x2


[Bridge] x2

Don't you know that you're bad for me? /別說不知自己有多毒

I gotta trust my lonely /我寧願依靠 自己的孤單


Don't you know that you're no good for me? /別說自己 無心傷害

I gotta trust my lonely /連寂寞 都比這來得好



Go get your praise from someone else /要虛榮要讚揚 去找別人吧

You did a number on my health /你也損夠了我的身心

My world is brighter by itself /我的世界沒了你 會更光彩更晴空

And I can do better, do better /我會更好 成長茁壯

You and I were swaying on the ropes /我倆在邊緣 苦力撐著

I found my footing on my own /我找到自己的立足點

I'm a-okay, I'm good as gold /現在的我 好得不得了

And I can do better, do better alone /能向前邁進 向上攀爬


[Outro] x2

Don't you know that you're bad for me? /別說不知自己有多毒

I gotta trust my lonely /我寧願依靠 自己的孤單


Don't you know that you're no good for me? /別說自己 無心傷害

I gotta trust my lonely /連寂寞 都比這來得好



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編輯日 2018/10/17



    修羅. 豆豆先生 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()