

從很久以前就跟Birdy很有緣 常常聽到他的歌 看到他的MV 也知道他是個年紀輕輕的才女

也不知道為何在過了那麼久之後才想起這個 "我早就知道的專輯"

當除在倫敦地鐵內著她華麗卻又低調的廣告 直到現在才想起 真是有點內疚

不過這美妙的聲音卻永遠不會改變 一種洗滌身心的音樂 一種能觸碰你靈魂的歌喉

跟專輯一樣"Fire Within" 從你的內心深處 燃起的野火 猛烈卻又平靜


雖然是說新的歌曲"Let It All Go" 但是一轉眼也已經過了三個月了







[Verse 1]
Why does she make sure to be so immature about these things /為何他一直幼稚愚昧的 想要改變你
I don’t want you to change around it /那些你獨有的特質 是我最想守護的
And sometimes this love will end and all will be forgotten /某天某日分手後 這愛會漸漸被淡忘
Then someday we will laugh about it /往後再看來 我們則會談笑風生
And you say that it's alright /你說著日子都很好
And I know that it’s a lie /但彼此心照不宣
From the black in your eyes /你眼神透露著一切
You don’t have to do this on your own /你不需要 孤軍奮戰
Like there’s no one that cares about you /猶如自己 不被關心
You don’t have to act like you're alone /也不需要 獨來獨往
Like the walls are closing in around you /心房像是 高牆沏起
You don’t have to pretend no one knows /不用裝做 沒人知道
Like there’s no one that understands you /宛如沒人可以理解你
I’m not just some face you used to know /可我 不只是一般人
I know all about you /我是那個 最懂你的人
And you should know that someone cares about you /你也該知道 有人在乎著你
I know all about you /我知道你的一切
[Verse 2]
Here I am still holding on you’re finding ways to break the bonds /我還堅持著 即便你想放棄
They’re stronger than you realize /感情比你想像中的 還要堅強
You could say that I’ve not tried, I’ve let you down, left you behind /你可以將一切過錯 怪在我身上
But you’re the one who’s saying goodbye /但你才是那個 離我而去的人
And you say that it's alright /說著很好 你沒事
And I know that it’s a lie /但我知道 那是謊言
From the black in your eyes /你空虛的眼神 透露了一切
You don’t have to do this on your own /你不需要 孤軍奮戰
Like there’s no one that cares about you /猶如自己 沒人關心
You don’t have to act like you're alone /也不需要 獨自一人孤單寂寞
Like the walls are closing in around you /像是心房被高牆遮蔽
You don’t have to pretend no one knows /不用裝做 沒人知道
Like there’s no one that understands you /宛如沒人可以理解你
I’m not just some face you used to know /而我可不只是生命過客
I know all about you /我是那個 最懂你的人
[Post-Chorus] x2
And you should know that someone cares about you /你該知道 有人在乎著你
I know all about you /我知道你的一切
And you say that it's alright /敷衍著 客套的問話
And I know that it’s a lie /但我知道你 掩埋著事實
From the black in your eyes /你眼神透露著一切
[Verse 2]
Here I am still holding on you’re finding ways to break the bonds /我還堅持著 即便你想放棄
They’re stronger than you realize /感情比你想像中的 還要堅強
You could say that I’ve not tried, I’ve let you down, left you behind /你可以將一切過錯 怪在我身上
But you’re the one who’s saying goodbye /但你才是那個 離我而去的人
You don’t have to do this on your own /你不需要 孤軍奮戰
Like there’s no one that cares about you /猶如自己 不被關心
You don’t have to act like you're alone /也不需要 獨來獨往
Like the walls are closing in around you /心房像是 高牆沏起
You don’t have to pretend no one knows /不用裝做 沒人知道
Like there’s no one that understands you /宛如沒人可以理解你
I’m not just some face you used to know /可我 不只是一般人
I know all about you /我是那個 最懂你的人
I know all about you /我知道你的一切


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編輯日 2015/11/18

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