
千呼萬喚 終於等到 這首寫關於One Direction Harry的歌

在歌曲出之前 TayTay也表示很興奮 

說這首專輯的每首歌 都跟每個當下的感受一樣

而我個人覺得 如果聽慣Tay就country music可能有點不適應

但我自己本身就聽很多種類型的歌 (基本沒差#

還是大愛!!~ 而且有種被Lorde 風格感染

等等並且 Produced by "Jack Antonoff" 這不就是很有才華Fun.樂團裡的那位嗎xD 


▴1989 專輯翻譯整合區▴


【2016 更新】




而還融入了很多元素的場景 火、水、地、空都有出現



不過當然也不是沒有漂亮的鏡頭啦~ ((不過眼神好像越來越殺






不過最重要的就是 她 找到了自我。


Photos referring: http://ow.ly/Wx7H7http://ow.ly/Wx7U9http://ow.ly/Wx86Hhttp://ow.ly/Wx8lu

【Youtube 樂聲版】


影片網址: http://www.bilibili.com/video/av3500743/


【自製歌詞版 Xuite】

taylorswift-1989polaroid-01 拷貝taylorswift-1989polaroid-05 拷貝taylorswift-1989polaroid-08 拷貝taylorswift-1989polaroid-45 拷貝taylorswift-1989polaroid-54 拷貝taylorswift-1989polaroid-58 拷貝  10173555_10152562717285369_7026557051203939798_n10712738_352389891595640_93092504719343467_n  

[Verse 1]
Looking at it now /現在看回過往
It all seems so simple /一切如此單純簡單
We were lying on your couch /我們躺在沙發上
I remember /記憶還猶新呢
You took a Polaroid of us /你用拍立得 拍了張合照
Then discovered /發現其中
The rest of the world was black and white /身旁的世界 都是黑白的
But we were in screaming color /但你我卻在這之中 格外鮮明
And I remember thinking… /當時我還想著...
[Chorus] x2
Are we out of the woods yet? /我們之間 走出谷底了沒?
Are we out of the woods yet? /我們愛情 是否能持續?
Are we out of the woods yet? /愛是否能 脫離險境?
Are we out of the woods? /是否能夠一切順利?
Are we in the clear yet? /是否清楚明白了?
Are we in the clear yet? /是否知道了?
Are we in the clear yet? /是否看清了?
In the clear yet, good. /看清了 很好
Are we out of the woods? /我們的愛 是否脫離險境了呢?
[Verse 2]
Looking at it now /現在看回去
Last December (Last December) /那年冬天 (十二月之時)
We were built to fall apart /好似我們注定分離
Then fall back together (back together) /但記憶卻依舊 (映入眼簾)
Your necklace hanging from my neck /你的項鍊 旋在我頸
The night we couldn’t quite forget /還有那難忘的夜晚
When we decided (x2) /我們決定
To move the furniture so we could dance /移開傢俱 造一個兩人的舞池
Baby, like we stood a chance /寶貝 如果還有機會
Two paper airplanes flying, flying… /我們宛如紙飛機 飛得高卻飛不遠
And I remember thinking /當時我還想著
[Chorus] x2
Are we out of the woods yet? /我們之間 走出谷底了沒?
Are we out of the woods yet? /我們愛情 是否能持續?
Are we out of the woods yet? /愛是否能 脫離險境?
Are we out of the woods? /是否能夠一切順利?
Are we in the clear yet? /是否清楚明白了?
Are we in the clear yet? /是否知道了?
Are we in the clear yet? /是否看清了?
In the clear yet, good. /看清了 很好
Are we out of the woods? /我們的愛 是否脫離險境了呢?
[Verse 3]
Remember when you hit the brakes too soon /還記得 你突然踩緊急剎車
Twenty stitches in a hospital room /在醫院裡 縫了二
When you started crying /你哭的淒慘
Baby, I did too /寶貝我也哭了
But when the sun came up /徹夜晚眠 直到日出
I was looking at you /我靜靜的看著你
Remember when we couldn’t take the heat /我們無法再承受 那些流言蜚語
I walked out, I said “I’m setting you free” /我選擇離開 說著要讓你自由
But the monsters turned out /但後來才發現 那些妖魔鬼怪
To be just trees /都只是憑空想像
When the sun came up /日光緩緩照進
You were looking at me. /你靜靜的看著我
You were looking at me… Oh /你那溫柔的眼神
You were looking at me. /那溫暖的視線
I remember. /記憶彷彿還猶新
Oh, I remember.. /都還歷歷在目
[Chorus] x4
Are we out of the woods yet? /我們之間 走出谷底了沒?
Are we out of the woods yet? /我們愛情 是否能持續?
Are we out of the woods yet? /愛是否能 脫離險境?
Are we out of the woods? /是否能夠一切順利?
Are we in the clear yet? /是否清楚明白了?
Are we in the clear yet? /是否知道了?
Are we in the clear yet? /是否看清了?
In the clear yet, good. /看清了 很好

大家應該都知道 這次新專輯的封面是 拍立得風格 最近台灣也很瘋我記得 refer to "You took a Polaroid of us"
Taylor Swift Talks About "Out Of The Woods" 泰泰在訪談中對新歌的說法
Looking at it now, Last December 回想起了當初 2012新年過後與Harry的break up news
可見Tay go back to December all the time. /一直 回到那個十二月, Taylor Swift - Back To December
Your necklace hanging from my neck /你我共享 一條項鍊 
當兩人還在約會時 下圖:
Two paper airplanes flying, flying… /我們宛如紙飛機 飛得高卻飛不遠 , 也是在說這項鍊
But the monsters turned out to be just trees /但後來才發現 那些妖魔鬼怪 都只是憑空想像的
說的是他們之間很多 很多困難難題 都只是過度想像罷了 
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西洋 知音 YouTube:
主頻道: http://smarturl.it/bloggerlovemusic
音樂分享頻道: http://smarturl.it/blm-music-section
影片字幕頻道: http://smarturl.it/blm-subtitle-section



西洋 知音 Dailymotion:


編輯日2014/10/15 11/15新增Polaroid、2016/1/1


bgt566@outlook.com 謝謝: )




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