

泰勒斯在這次專輯中(Red) 我最厚愛這首個

有種爆發出的感情 激動 背叛 責怪 與情感

當下一看到MV真的被嚇到了 雖然前面醞釀很久



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請直接切入2:03秒 正式進入歌曲 


I think… I think when it’s all over. /我想.. 當愛情走到終點

It just comes back in flashes …you know? /但有如一切都歷歷在目 你懂嗎?
It’s like a kaleidoscope of memories,but it just all comes back. /所有跟他在一起的零碎記憶 就這樣一一回憶起
But he never does. /但只有他 是回不來的。
I think part of me knew the second I saw him, this would happen. /在我心中深處知道 我對他會一見鍾情 我們會墜入愛河
It’s not really anything he said, or anything he did. /而這不是 他所做 也不是他所言
It was the feeling that came along with it. /而是愛上他時的 一種感覺
And …crazy thing is, i don’t know if I’m ever gonna feel that way again. /而瘋狂的事是 我永遠不知道還會不會再有這種體悟
But I don’t know if I should. /而那時我也沒想清 該不該這麼做
I knew his world moved too fast…and…burned too bright. /我知道他的世界 變徙萬千 閃耀發光
But i just thought. /而當時 我只是單純的這樣想。
How can the devil be pulling you towards someone who looks. /惡魔怎麼樣 附身在你身上
So much like an angel when he smiles at you. /而當他笑起來 又如次像個天使般
Maybe he knew that,when he saw me. /也許他早就知道了 當他第一眼看到我
I guess I just lost my balance. /我猜 我就這樣 一下子失去了平衡
I think that the worst part of it all wasn’t losing him. /我認為 感情最糟的部分 不是失去了他
It was losing me. /而是我失去了自我。


American Music Awards 中文字幕 


Once upon a time, a few mistakes ago /曾經 犯下過錯前
I was in your sights, you got me alone /你看見了我 你看到了我孤單著
You found me, you found me, you found meeeee /人海之中 你找到了我

I guess you didn't care and I guess I liked that/我猜你是我行我素 也合我的胃口
and I When I fell hard, you took a step back /但當我重重摔倒時 你卻轉身離去
without me, without me, without me… /離開我.丟下我.冷眼旁觀

And he's long gone when he's next to me /就算他在我的身邊 也是陌生人了
and I realize the blame is on me, cause /而我知道 這是自作自受 因為

I knew you were trouble when you walked in /當你踏入我的人生時 就知道你是個大麻煩
so shame on me now/那是多大的恥辱呀!
flew me to placesi'd never been till you put me down /帶我見到曾未見過美景 然後把我狠狠丟下

Oh I knew you were trouble when you walked in /噢!這是我一開始就知道的麻煩 
so shame on me now /那是多大的恥辱呀!
flew me to places I'd never been/ 帶我來到曾未到過的境界
now I'm lying on the cold hard ground /而現在我倒在一片哀號的大地 

oh oh trouble, trouble, trouble /噢!噢!麻煩的 自受的 苦難的
oh oh trouble, trouble, trouble /噢!噢!應該的 可憐的 大麻煩

No apologies, he'll never see you cry /不必道歉 他永遠不在乎你的眼淚
pretends he doesn't know that he's the reason why /裝作不知道 他是你哭泣的原因
you're drowning, you're drowning, you're drowning /你在奄奄一息 你在下沉 你在痛苦著

and I heard you moved on from whispers on the street /在巷弄中流傳著你的移情別戀
a new notch in your belt is all I'll ever be /而我只是一個刻在你皮帶上的新戰績 
and now I see, now I see, now I see /現在我看清了 我知道了 我明白了

He was long gone when he met me /我們認識時 他就已是最靠近陌生人了
and I realize the joke is on me /而我這才意識到 我是多麼地可笑

Ha!I knew you were trouble when you walked in /嘿!當你踏入我的人生時 就知道你是個大麻煩
so shame on me now/那是多大的恥辱呀!
flew me to placesi'd never been till you put me down /帶我見到曾未見過美景 然後把我狠狠丟下

Oh I knew you were trouble when you walked in /噢!這是我一開始就知道的麻煩 
so shame on me now /那是多大的恥辱呀!
flew me to places I'd never been/ 帶我來到曾未到過的境界
now I'm lying on the cold hard ground /而現在我倒在一片哀號的大地 

oh oh trouble, trouble, trouble /噢!噢!麻煩的 自受的 苦難的
oh oh trouble, trouble, trouble /噢!噢!應該的 可憐的 大麻煩

And the saddest fear /那最悲哀的恐懼感
comes creeping in /在心中滋長 匍匐
that you never loved me /原來你不曾愛過我
or her...or anyone...or anything /或是她, 任何人, 任何事

I knew you were trouble when you walked in /當你踏入我的人生時 就知道你是個大麻煩
so shame on me now/那是多大的恥辱呀!
flew me to placesi'd never been till you put me down /帶我見到曾未見過美景 然後把我狠狠丟下

Oh I knew you were trouble when you walked in /噢!這是我一開始就知道的麻煩 
so shame on me now /那是多大的恥辱呀!
flew me to places I'd never been/ 帶我來到曾未到過的境界
now I'm lying on the cold hard ground /而現在我倒在一片哀號的大地 

oh oh trouble, trouble, trouble /噢!噢!麻煩的 自受的 苦難的
oh oh trouble, trouble, trouble /噢!噢!應該的 可憐的 大麻煩

I knew you were trouble when you walked in /當你踏入我的人生時 就知道你是個大麻煩
trouble, trouble, trouble /麻煩的 自受的 苦難的
I knew you were trouble when you walked in /當你踏入我的人生時 就知道你是個大麻煩
trouble, trouble, trouble /應該的 可憐的 大麻煩


:[I don't konw if you know who you are until you lose who you are]

/直到你迷失自己時 才會真正瞭解自己 


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